Title: In the Forest of the Night
jenthegypsyRating: PG, in a Brothers Grimm sort of way.
Characters: Juliet, Sawyer, Ben - in a Brothers Grimm sort of way.
Word Count: 3714
Warning/Summary: Sometimes bad things happen in fairy tales, but they aren't always what they seem.
Authors Notes: Hohoho fic written for
eponine119Heartfelt thanks to beta
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Comments 32
Yeah, I knew the format was a dead give away, but I tried for weeks to write it 'straight' and it just flat out refused.
I'm so glad you liked it. It's my swan song for substantial Lost fic, so I'm glad you were the recepient!
She opened her eyes and before her there sat
A rather large man with the eyes of a cat.
He had longish hair, streaked dark upon gold,
And a grin that was wicked with pleasures untold. *g*
To get all the rhymes in place and still manage to tell a story that flows this well, that takes talent! I don't know about talent, but it sure took a lot of work! Thank you for saying that it flowed well ~ that's what I was striving for, of course, and a coherent story.
It won in both it's categories at the Best Fic of 2009 lostfic_awards thanks to people like you who thought it was good enough. Blew me away, I can tell you!
Thank you so much! *hugs*
I just I want to leave a coherent comment but there's nothing I could say that would do this justice. It's just stunning and beautiful and it's so them. Incredible. Absolutely, incredible.
Being moved to incoherence is good - thanks for commenting!
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