In the Forest of the Night

Jan 05, 2010 15:19

Title: In the Forest of the Night
Author: jenthegypsy
Rating: PG, in a Brothers Grimm sort of way.
Characters: Juliet, Sawyer, Ben - in a Brothers Grimm sort of way.
Word Count: 3714
Warning/Summary: Sometimes bad things happen in fairy tales, but they aren't always what they seem.
Authors Notes: Hohoho fic written for eponine119.
Heartfelt thanks to beta extraordinaire hendercats who was also my lifeline as I went crazy while working on this.

Till moonbeams peeked over the top of a hill
To lighten the shadows and there did she spy
Black stripes upon gold and the green of an eye.'>


The people of Otherton liked Christmas a lot,
But one lady Doctor who lived there did not.
The Others all gathered with excitement and cheer
To see what Dharma was dropping this year.
But the Doctor just grumbled and pouted and swore ~
She didn't even hang a wreath on her door!
Why was she like that? What made her so grumpy?
Were her nylons too tight? Was her mattress too lumpy?
Whatever it was that made her sad Christmas day
Lay deep down inside and would not go away.

"Oh come on, Juliet, would you give me a break?
How much of this moping do you think I can take?"
Benjamin stared with a sad, thoughtful air
While his thoughts ran to twining his hands through her hair.
He wanted her badly and would not let her go
Though he never let on he was running the show.
She believed when he said she would be back home soon,
But she might as well trust in the Man in the Moon
For bad Benjamin Linus wanted only one thing ~
Which was Jules in his bed and wearing his ring.

"I want to go home Ben, as I've told you for years"
Then try not as she might, she burst into tears.
"I want to be home with my sister. I do!
I'm pissed as hell Ben, and I blame it on you!"
"You're wrong, Juliet, I've done all that I could
To get you back home. If I could, then I would!
I'm here for you Jules," his smile was sincere,
"As both family and friend, I will always be near."

Juliet just cried harder and ran off toward the trees
Where she stumbled on blindly till she fell to her knees.
She sobbed and she wailed til she cried her eyes dry
Then took stock of herself and wondered just why
She'd run deep in the jungle, so far from the town,
When a snap from behind had her turning around
To see who had followed. Who watched her, unknown?
Who hid in the shadows as she cried all alone?

The jungle's breath held, all was silent and still
Till moonbeams peeked over the top of a hill
To lighten the shadows and there did she spy
Black stripes upon gold and the green of an eye.
Hands flew to her mouth as she drew in a gasp.
Her throat had gone dry, now she only could rasp
"Who's there? Come out now and show me your face!"
There was nothing in answer and nothing in place
Of what she had seen in the shadows of gray.
Had it just been the trick of a very bad day?
No, something had hidden just there out of sight,
As scared as she was, she knew she was right.

Something or someone?, asked a voice in her head
As a sound reached her ears that filled her with dread.
A little way off to her right, down the path,
She heard a faint rumbling sort of a laugh.
A slight touch of sadness mixed into it now
And blended, then ended in a fading low growl.
Her hair stood on end and her spine it did chill
But beyond her great fear lay a deep-seated thrill.


It seemed like mere moments, (more like it was days)
Before something broke Juliet out of the haze
Of mystery and wonder at what she had seen ~
Of a creature who haunted her night and day dreams.
The something or someone who hadn't been there
Except for a glimpse of green eyes and gold hair.

"I asked,'What's wrong Jules?' Did you not hear?"
Benjamin addressed her, uncomfortably near.
His hold on her arm was tight as a vise
And the tone that he used made her blood turn to ice.
"You've been quite distracted since you fled Christmas day.
I wonder what happened when you ran away?
The shine in your eyes, and this quirk to your smile...
You haven't been happy in a very long while.
In fact, it's been years since you've been light of heart
Tell me now, Juliet, what went on in the dark?"

Juliet cleared her throat, extricated her arm
And took a step backward to keep her from harm,
For the look in his eye had her feeling quite ill.
Ben was so jealous he could easily kill.
"I went for a walk Ben, no more than that,
And all that I saw was a big jungle cat."
Ben's eyes bugged out further and they filled with alarm,
But he covered it quickly as he said with slick charm,
"Don't be silly Juliet, you're a victim of stress.
Holidays can do that. You must get some rest."
Then slowly he walked with her back to her house
And she came right along, just as meek as a mouse.
He was probably right, she'd been overwrought,
And the light in her eyes grew dim at the thought.
Her shoulders sagged down like a weary, sad child
So she wasn't aware when that bastard Ben smiled.


The moon was arise when she woke from her sleep
To find herself standing on chilly bare feet
At her small kitchen window which looked to her yard
And she realized she hadn't to look very hard
To recognize that something out there in the black
Had locked eyes with hers and was looking right back.
She slipped on her shoes and stepped into the night
Without feeling once that her actions weren't right.
She followed the path that the moonlight lay down,
Tracking a shadow which suddenly turned 'round
To face her across the bright light of a fire,
Green eyes all aglow in the face of a tiger.

They studied each other as some moments passed by,
Juliet open-mouthed, the tiger quite sly.
It stepped to the side of the fire, nice and slow,
Extended its front legs, stretched back deep and low.
'It looks like it's bowing', Jules thought with a start,
So she dropped a small curtsy, hands clasped to her heart.
The great cat stood up, tipped its head then and chuckled.
Juliet sat right down as her wobbly knees buckled!
The cat was beside her without a delay
To nudge her and murmur "Hey now, you okay?"
'Oh that's the last straw', Juliet had time to think,
Before she keeled over in a swooning dead faint.

When she woke sometime later it was to the sensation
Of velvet soft warmth and a gentle vibration
Down the length of her back. She felt so at ease,
That she stared through the fire and into the trees,
Thinking how cozy it was to be here
Tucked in nice and warm with nothing to fear.
"Feelin' better?"
Panic went straight from her head to her heart
As she jumped up, whirled 'round and cried with a start,
"Get away, you! You're a devil from Hell!"
The tiger just blinked and growled out "Do tell?
Guess that's what I get for keepin' you warm
And staying awake to keep you from harm."
Then the tiger stood up from where it had kept
Juliet guarded as long as she'd slept.
"I had your back, darlin'" , it purred as it turned
To walk on past Jules and the fire that still burned.
Its head hung down low and slow was its gait.
As it made for the darkness, she quickly cried "Wait!"

"What's that Rapunzel?" The big cat swung around
And stepped up to face her. No fear there, it found.
She looked rather calm, in a controlled sort of way,
As she cleared her throat twice, making ready to say,
"My name's Juliet." She stuck out her hand
But it fluttered about with no place to land.
What was the protocol? Should she pat its wide head?
Or should she retract the gesture instead?
She had no idea of etiquette's law,
But the tiger fixed that by presenting its paw.
"Oh." She looked rather doubtful, her hands they did shake
As she put them together in order to make
Room for the paw, with its weight and its size.
As she did so she saw a light enter the eyes
Of this magnificent creature, so careful to land
Its pad very gently in the palms of her hands.

Juliet stared down at the union she saw
Of two fragile hands and one massive paw,
And her eyes welled with tears as she realized just then
That in this creature of magic she'd at last found a friend.
The tiger was watching, its eyes were half closed,
But it noticed the tears as they came and it nosed
Its face against hers, gave a comforting rumble,
And a bit too much nudge, causing Juliet to stumble.
"Sorry," it said, as its body curved 'round
To keep her once more from hitting the ground.
Her face was hidden by the fall of her hair
As she leaned back into it without any care.
Her breathing, it hitched, and her body did jiggle
As Juliet dissolved into one giant giggle.
The tiger seemed puzzled, but soon it laughed too.
All things considered, what else could it do?


The meetings continued. Each night that was clear
Juliet would pack up some meat and cold beer
And wait by the window, in a house that was dark,
Watching the tree line for starlight to spark
In the eyes of the tiger who waited to walk
With her to the clearing where they'd sit and talk.
"My name's Juliet," she'd say when they met,
Hoping one time it would simply forget
And let go a name she could hold to her heart,
But that didn't happen, the cat was too smart.
"Don't need my name," it once said with a sigh,
In a voice so sad, Jules let it go by.

She talked of her life, of her family and friends
Back home, far away, past where the land ends.
The big cat told stories of kingdoms and knights,
Of wrinkles in time and rabbits in flight.
She felt more alive than she had felt in years,
But on one occasion, when memories brought tears,
Then the tiger did move to stand by her side
Where she wrapped herself tight about it to hide
Her face in its neck and it felt its heart melt
As her tears soaked on down through its glorious pelt.
It was then that the tiger felt its throat close down tight
And it whispered, "A tiger, it don't change its stripes."
It eased itself back to provide a small space
Then ran a rough tongue across her damp face
Which set her to laughing in schoolgirl delight
While the tiger's heart filled with the bleakness of night.

The evenings would pass with more laughter than tears
For Juliet was happier than she had been in years ~
Even before she had arrived on the isle.
When she told the big cat, she swore that it smiled
As its mouth twitched up when it looked over at her
And the clearing was filled with the sound of its purr.

Before each dawn broke, before night could end,
The two would walk back to the village and then
The tiger would sit at the place they must part
And clumsily place a paw over its heart,
Then take the same paw and touch Jules on the cheek,
Look down at the ground, and roughly speak.
"I'd die for you, darlin'. Would you do so for me?
Would you, Rapunzel, to let me go free?"
Juliet never answered. She'd laugh it right off.
She'd run a hand over its dear head and scoff,
"Don't be so silly. There never could be
On all of this island a creature more free."
The tiger would rumble down deep in its chest,
Bow low and send her back home to her rest.


"Hello Juliet."
The words were quicksilver and smooth as an eel
But weighted with menace that Juliet could feel,
Sharp as a knife held close to her throat,
And the look on Ben's face as he started to gloat,
Warned her that danger lay behind that thin smile
Despite his attempts to flatter and beguile.
"You're looking good Jules, very rested and well,
Though how you have managed I wish you would tell."
Juliet's mouth turned down and she furrowed her brow.
What the hell was Benjamin playing at now?
"I am well, Ben. Thanks. It's sure nice to know
That those vitamins I'm taking are starting to show."
She folded her arms 'cross her chest and smiled back,
Though without any warmth, as she tried to switch tracks.

"Come on, share your secret. You can trust dear old Ben,
Your guardian, protector and closest of friends.
Who else on the island has showed you the care
That I have?" He reached out for a lock of her hair
And twirling it round one finger he said,
"What I wonder, Jules, is into whose bed
Do you sneak every night? For when I do call
In the very late hours, you're not home at all."

The crack! of her slap against his pale cheek
Should have knocked him into the midst of next week,
But Ben stood his ground, though his face did turn red,
As he maintained his smile and then ducked his head.
"You have no right!" she shouted, feeling quite strong,
"I'm not yours, Ben. Never was. What you're doing is wrong!
Where I go every night, if it's anywhere at all
Has nothing to do with you, not at all!
So back the hell up and give me some space
Or by God I'll do more than slap your smug face!"
Ben looked up at her now, his composure quite calm,
And covered his heart with one steady palm.
"You're right, Juliet. I was just looking out
For you. Please forgive me. There's no need to shout.
I've made a mistake. Please don't let your heart harden
Against an old friend. I do beg your pardon."
He donned a sad smile and gave a small sigh
Then turned and walked out, a false tear in his eye.


The next night was black, a new moon in the sky,
With no stars a'twinkle for Jules to see by,
So the tiger walked slowly, right by her side,
And grumbled a teasing offer to ride
Upon its broad back as they went down the path.
As predicted, Juliet started to laugh.
But her laugh sounded hollow even to her own ears
And the gaze of the tiger had her confessing her fears.
"Don't worry, Rapunzel," it said with a growl,
"Ain't no bug-eyed bastard gonna get to you now.
You don't have to worry. You can stop all this cryin'.
I got your back, darlin, and I damn sure ain't lyin''.
Juliet snuffled, then gave it a smile
And they walked on in silence the rest of the while.


The tiger had eaten and she'd had her beer
While listening to stories of auld Christmas cheer.
The fire burned down low, a good indication
That they soon would vacate their rendezvous station
As the last hour of darkness crept toward the light
Of dawn and the end of one more perfect night.

The tiger was finishing its latest regale
When it suddenly stopped talking and lashed its long tail
Back and forth in a frenzy of great agitation.
Juliet looked to it for some explanation.
It was quick to issue a low warning growl,
Sit yourself still. Not a sound, now.

Her breath all went out in a sickening rush
When she heard a twig snap in the night's eerie hush,
And the tiger let out a deafening roar
As a shadow stepped out and stood there before
The snarling cat, then the figure moved into the light
And Juliet was dazed by a horrible sight.
It was Ben, but not Ben as he'd ever been seen
Except on occasions of some really bad dreams
When he'd been a dead thing in a wizard's disguise.
She couldn't believe that's what now met her eyes.

The tiger crouched down. It was ready to pounce
But the wizard held up a wizened hand to announce
In a strangely dark voice from a long-ago age,
His face all contorted and reddened with rage,
"You shall not have her! This woman is mine!
Do you think I have waited all of this time
To let an enchanted beast of the night
Take what is mine? You haven't the right!
I gave you the life that you bear today
And by all the dark gods I can take it away!"

The big cat sprung up with a horrible scream
That jarred Juliet from her waking bad dream.
She saw the cat leap at just the same time
As the wizard's staff pointed an unerring straight line
At the tiger's ferociously protective brave heart.
Juliet leaped from the ground with a start
To hurl herself forward, in front of the bolt
That burst from the staff. When she felt a sharp jolt
She thought she was dead, or dying at least
'Til she realized she'd been shoved aside by the beast
Who took the full brunt of the spell that was cast.
Its momentum was lessened by the searing hot blast
But its great paw shot out as it fell to the ground.
Its cry was triumphant, for its only blow found
The mark it had aimed for. The wizard did thrash
Before erupting in flame, then crumbling to ash.


The night had gone silent, so still and so hushed
As Juliet picked herself up then rushed
To the side of her tiger, to cradle its head
And stroke its great body as she bent low and said
"Don't you leave me...I love you...don't leave me alone,
You've captured my heart. You are my home!"
The cat closed its eyes against the vast pain.
It swallowed with effort, then looked up again.
You did it, Rapunzel. You set me free
The moment you offered your life up for me.
I'm rid of that bastard and now so are you.
You'll be just fine now. Was the least I could do
For your love did release me from the chains of the spell
That's kept me for years in this dark, lonely hell."
It purred softly then and murmured, "Goodbye."
Leaving her to sit there, to hold it and cry.

She lay down behind it, her arms wrapped around
To ward off the dampness and the cold of the ground.
She buried her face in its neck and breathed in
The scent of its fur and the warmth of its skin.
She held it til morning, when she finally slept
Still curled against it. In her sleep she still wept,
But her dreams brought back memories of that first night
When it stretched out against her and cuddled up tight
To keep her protected, to help keep her warm
To be ever watchful and to keep her from harm.


Juliet came awake with the sun on her face
And a voice in her head that she couldn't quite place.
It was vaguely familiar in an odd sort of way,
But what was that nonsense she kept hearing it say?
She left her eyes closed as she tried to define
The sing-song delivery of a really bad rhyme.

"Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair
Cause ain't none other in the land that's so fair
An' if you'd just wake up, we'd have us no care.
So come on, Rapunzel, let down your hair!"

She opened her eyes and before her there sat
A rather large man with the eyes of a cat.
He had longish hair, streaked dark upon gold,
And a grin that was wicked with pleasures untold.
She tipped her head slightly and studied with care
This rogue that materialized out of thin air.
"Do I know you?," she asked, as she carefully stood.
"Well darlin', I'll tell you, I was hopin' you would."
He flashed her some dimples and gave her a wink,
Then Juliet found herself unable to think!

The stranger's face changed as he looked to the ground
At one heap of ash and an impression around
Which Juliet had slept. She took it in, too,
Then looked back at him, unsure what to do.
Her tiger was gone without leaving a sign
That it hadn't been some kind of figment of mind.
Her head began swimming, she'd started to sway,
When he took her arm gently. "Hey now, you okay?"
She looked down between them, and once more she saw
Two fragile hands holding one massive paw,
But this time the fingers were tightly entwined.
Juliet took a deep breath and made up her mind.

"My name's Juliet." She looked into his eyes,
Longing for a certain kind of reply.
"Juliet," he said quietly, "Though I'm not much for names,
I don't mind tellin' you, my name is James."
He looked quite surprised when she broke into tears
and he struggled for something to calm all her fears.
So he pulled her up close, held onto her tight,
Placed a kiss on her forehead and said, "It's all right."
Juliet knew, way down deep in her heart,
That he meant what he said and they never would part.
As she kissed him in wonder, and as he kissed her,
Juliet could have sworn that he started to purr.



If ever there was a place in space or in time
Where two hearts became one in the blink of an eye,
Where a simple connection between woman and beast
Could spark an odd love which never would cease,
If ever this place in the world could be found
It might happen to be on some island ground
In the midst of a jungle, bathed in moonlight
Where two hearts entwined and lightened the night.


verse, ben, sawyer, juliet, fairy tale, hohoho 2009

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