Title: The Pieces That Still Fit (Broken Walls and Cracked Hearts)
Rating: G
Group/Pairing: NEWS; Koyama/Yamapi, very little Ryo/Koyama
Warnings/Genre (ie mpreg, kinks, etc): Just a whole lot of angst and introspection
Notes: Beta-ed by
madpig4lifeLink to Original Story:
To Shatter the Pieces MoreLink to Original Writer:
shatteredtenshi (
Those walls that I’ve created had several cracks already, I’m sure. There definitely would be one labeled 'Yamashita Tomohisa.' )
Comments 4
Considering how the fic was filled with dark angst somewhat due to the challenge it was written, I think it's wonderful how you took the fic and approached it differently. The angst is lighter (without Ryo being such a...maniac maybe), but it's definitely not lighter in a bad way.
I really liked the beginning and the alternate ending~ The beginning with a young Kei-chan was really adorable, and at the same time, it sets up the mood of the fic. Then, the ending, most definitely a lot more hopeful than mine, lol. It's a nice twist.
Thanks for writing!~
Especially the beginning and the ending, since I took it totally off plot there, lol.
Thank you :)
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