(Arashi) Airports

Feb 29, 2008 19:02

Title: Airports
lockability &
Warning: Yay two-part fic!
Fandom: Arashi
Notes: Me and boe_4eva wrote a fic together! Double the awesome, double the fic, hehe! Boe wrote the first part and I wrote the second. Thank you to shikon_hime for editing Boe's part! Um, I want to hurry and post it so I'll stop babbling now, enjoy~


He hated the airport.

He hated the airport as much as he hated the hospital.

Though sometimes, he'd admit weekly, he loved the airport. At times it could be a place of coming together. Of reuniting.

But at the worst of times, it was a place of departing and tearing apart.

That is what Ohno hated more than anything. The solemn farewells that meant so much more underneath than they did to the naked eye. A tight hug, and a distant wave followed by regret, second thought, and sadness.

Like today.

He was leaving again; after only just returning from filming abroad, he was leaving to promote the film in Hollywood. That's right, his best friend was a Hollywood actor now, and the world was going to know his name; not just those in Japan anymore, but the world.

When Nino had left for filming, he had been gone such a long time. The time apart had been so hard; Ohno hadn't expected it to be. He hadn't expected that at times it would be like his breath was falling short, like he was missing an entire extension of his mind and body. Now that he knows what it is like for himself when Nino to be gone, Ohno can't help but dread this departure like the coming of the great plague.

He feared the sadness, the loneliness, but mostly it was the fear itself that scares him. The fact that the fear existed and reasons he feels like this. He knew that if he looked hard enough he could probably figure out why he felt like that, but did he really want to know the truth?

Ohno shifted his feet awkwardly over the slippery surface as Nino checked his bags in; a goofy smile on his face as the young girl at the counter clearly recognized him, and called one of her friends over. Ohno sighed.

He hated airports.

He hated airports as much, if not more than he hated hospitals.

In truth it wasn't that he hated airports and hospitals themselves, it was the feelings that came with them that he hated.

Because as everyone knows, without hospitals and airports, the world would be a very different place, and Ohno was pretty sure he wouldn't want to live in such a place.

Ohno felt a soft hand fall on his shoulder.

"Are you sad Leader," Arashi's mood maker asked with a surprisingly solemn expression. All of Arashi was there to see Nino off. It was early enough in the morning for them to stay relatively inconspicuous.

"Of course he's sad Aiba-chan," Sho stated firmly. "We're all sad." Aiba pouted slightly.

"But Captain's sad if different. He looks like he's broken..." His expression was worried when he spoke.

"He's not a clock," Jun joked despite the sombre mood. Ohno smiled weakly.

"I'm fine Aiba-chan...," he confirmed.

It was obviously a lie; Ohno knew it was a lie, the others knew it was a lie, and Ohno knew that they knew. Still, no one questioned it.

They walked Nino to his terminal. The wait was agonizing, to say the least. It was like one of those movies where the death of a main character is drawn out, and only makes it more painful in the end. They spoke of all the things Nino was going to do when he was away, all the pictures he was going to take, all the people he was going to meet, and all the food he was going to try.

But there was a weight hanging in the air, that Ohno couldn't help but feel pushing at his shoulders. Nino was leaving.

He was going to Hollywood, and they were going to be four.

Arashi wasn't whole without all five of them.

And just as the thought struck him, the final boarding call for Nino's flight echoes through the speakers, and Ohno's heart sank. That final moment was coming up, the farewell he dreaded so much.

Nino hugged them. He started with Jun; with his arms going around the taller boys neck, one hand still holding his boarding pass and the other holding his carry on bag. Jun smiled and wished Nino the best of luck.

Nino moved to Sho next; his arms squeezed Sho's shoulders and Sho held Nino close swaying them slightly in farewell.

Before Nino had any chance to hug Aiba, the exuberant man scooped him up and off the ground in a tight embrace, crying his goodbyes and good lucks. Nino laughed loudly and squirmed out of Aiba's arms.

Ohno was next, and he could feel a lump forming in his throat. Ohno didn't know what he was going to say this time, he wanted to tell Nino how much he would miss him, how much it was going to hurt while he was gone, how much he didn't want him to go. But Ohno felt that each and every one of those words would be a burden on Nino's heart; burdens that Ohno didn't not wish on the other.

Nino stood in front of him, a sad smile across his face; one that Ohno mirrored. Nino placed his bag slowly on the ground and pushed his boarding pass into his back pocket.

Before Ohno had any chance to say or do anything, Nino had pulled him close by the wrist and into a tight hug; a hug that seemed to say more things than he could interpret in the short time they held it. Nino's face tucked securely into the nape of Ohno's neck as he took in a deep breath.

Ohno squeezed his arms around Nino's waist to show his emotions in the only way he could at that moment.

"I'm going to miss you...," a quiet voice whispered into Ohno's ear, a breath brushing past his neck and rushing down his spine. "... so much," the small boy added, with an even tighter squeeze.

"I'll miss you too...," Ohno mouthed, the movement itself enough for Nino to hear the silent words.

With a last deep breath, Nino pulled away Their fingers lingering together a moment more before they parted completely.

Nino picked up his bag, pulled out his boarding pass, and gave the four of them a polite bow, which they returned in strange unison.

Nino smiled broadly once more at his friends, and Ohno felt the gaze remain on him just a moment longer. With a final goodbye, he headed for the gateway.

"Have fun Nino," Sho called to Nino's turned back.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do," Jun added.

"Bring me back an American hamburger," Aiba-chan finished before being swatted across the head by Sho.

When Nino looked back at them one last time, as he entered the gateway. Ohno smiled and Nino returned it with the same longing, before he waved, the final farewell until he was to return.

Ohno hated airports, he hated the feeling's they gave him.

The same feeling hospitals gave him, feelings of sadness and depression.

On this occasion he hosted both of those feelings.

However, Ohno knew the next time he would be visiting an airport, it would be when Nino returned.

And at that thought, Ohno couldn't help but think....

He could really learn to love airports.


The air was thick with excitement as the four members waited for their fifth. Aiba practically thrummed with anticipation, his laughter overflowing as though it had been bottled up all this time and was only just now allowed out. Sho, assigned with Aiba-duty, watched to make sure he didn't do anything stupid, though Sho himself was so excited that he'd likely not notice anyway. Even Jun, trying to sit cool and calm, had a stupid grin tugging at the corners of his lips that couldn't be hidden. Of them all, Ohno appeared the least excited as he sat with a look of concentration on his face.

He was happy- happier than any of them, happier than he’d been when a drawing had turned out exactly how he'd wanted, happier than any other time he could think of, but there was something worried, deep in his chest. He couldn't quite figure out why, and it only showed itself in silly little questions like what if Nino smelled different from being in America. It was silly, because Nino had been in America before and Ohno couldn't recall him smelling any different, and what did it matter if Nino smelled different anyhow- but the worry still stayed.

The last time Nino had left, it had been painful, as though everything was missing something, like everything was a little less interesting. Ohno had been sad the last time Nino left, and this time was no different, no matter how much the other members tried to cheer him up; how Jun would just sit with him so he wouldn't be alone, and how Sho would bring him food. Even Aiba tried to 'fix' him multiple times and yet he stayed sad. He felt like a whole different person without Nino there to lean on, and he was afraid of how lost he was without him.

Aiba sat down beside Ohno now, pulling him away from his thoughts. Jun was on his other side, and Sho crouched down in front of him. "He'll be here any minute now," Sho said, patting Ohno's knee. Aiba smiled brilliantly from beside him, Jun threaded their fingers together, and Ohno just had to smile back as he pushed away his thoughts and fears. The four of them sat together and waited for Nino so that Arashi could be whole again.

And that's when Nino appeared, looking tired around the eyes and frayed around the edges, and nothing but happy everywhere else. The air was heavy for about half a second, and then Sho jumped up and pulled Nino into a tight hug, with Aiba bouncing around the two of them. Jun was next; the two smiled at each other and Nino reached to mess up Jun's hair while Jun made some snappy comment, and then Ohno couldn't wait any longer.

It had always started with Nino- him pulling Ohno close, his hand around Ohno's waist, the two of them twined around each other, but this time it was Ohno who pulled Nino into a tight hug, pressing together as though if he didn't hold on tight enough Nino would leave again, and maybe he did think that, just a little. Ohno felt himself shaking slightly, and he knew Nino felt it too as he pulled Ohno closer still and said, laughing, "I guess you missed me, too."

And suddenly all of the sadness and fears that had been fogging his mind were gone, with a simple sentence and a laugh, and Ohno could only laugh helplessly back. They were herded away now, slowly since Ohno was still clinging to Nino's side and Sho, Aiba and Jun scolded the small crowd around them when it tried to make them go faster. The only thing Ohno could think to say to Nino was "You smell the same" and "I really love airports." Nino laughed some more at this, which made Ohno think that Nino had a really nice laugh, and so he told him that too.

"You're pretty talkative today, and pretty grabby," Nino said, grinning impishly. "It's nice, but ah, I guess I won't see this side of you often if it only happens when I go away, since you'd have to let go for me to do that." And then, when Ohno finally let go as they got into the car, Nino curled up close to him and fell asleep, using Ohno as an impromptu pillow.

If Ohno had thought of the weight he felt in his chest whenever Nino was away, instead of their upcoming interviews and the party Aiba had planned later for the five of them, maybe he would have figured out why he cared about Nino so much, but as it was he knew that he cared for Nino, and he liked it better when Nino was around, and he didn't need to know any more than that.

g: arashi

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