What's done is done 1/?

Aug 06, 2007 21:17

Title:What's done is done 1/?
Genre: Angst?
Ratings: NC-17 i think?
Pairings:RyoDa, JunDa, hints of JinDa and Akame
Disclaimer: I own the plot not them (though i wish i do!)
Summary: It all started with a game, then it lead to another one...
Author's note: Maybe OOC so please bear with me ne? 
I thank Rara 
tomoyokurogane  for the title ^_^

One night Kame, Jin, Ueda and Junno decided to spend their night at a bar in Shibuya. The four boys decided to take a V.I.P. room to spend with their lovers. Kame has been Jin lover since time in memorial while Ueda had been with Junno ever since he broke up with Ryo. Then Jin initiated a game called: “Who’s the best?” Its basically a modified spin the bottle, the chosen player must prove to his chosen opponent what he is best at. If he fails to do so, he has to answer to every opponent’s requests but the catch is it has to be sexual, pleasing, seductive skills that he must show proof of. So after the rules have been said, Junno first spun the bottle, he was hoping that it would stop at Ueda so he could have him moaning under his body. But the bottle stopped at Kame, much to Jin and Kame’s dismay, Kame had no choice but to be the unwanted victim. Then Jin asked.

“So what’s your skill?” Junno answered with a grin on his face “I can give multiple orgasms.”

“Eh???” Was all Kame could say after seeing Junno declaring something so vulgar. On the other hand Ueda’s eyes widen upon hearing Junno and said to himself

Hey, you promised that I’m the only one whom you could give multiple orgasms.

“Are you sure?” Jin asked Junno with Jealousy and protectiveness in his voice

“Mou daijobu yo, Jin.”

“Well you better take care of him!”

Kame looked at Jin and whispered to him.

“Don’t worry… I’ll make sure he won’t give me any orgasm…and kissed his lovers lips for assurance.

And then the seduction began…  Junno gave Kame the look that Ueda sees every night when they make love, unknowingly, Kame was caught in Junno’s enticing gaze. Junno kissed Kame as if it was Ueda in his arms; he then let his hands trail Kame’s body while his lips are fixed on the younger male’s lips. While this was happening, Jin has started to wish that he hadn’t initiated the game; everything is not going well with his plans. Then he noticed Ueda, hugging himself to prevent him from ruining the game.

“Why hug yourself?”

Ueda looked at him bewildered “Why? Because There’s no one left to hug...”

“Me… I can hug you if you want…” he offered

“You’ll do that?” Ueda asked hesitantly.

“Sure why not.”


Then Ueda let Jin hug him, Jin in turn hugged Ueda from the back and let him lean against his body. And honestly the reason why Jin wanted to hug Ueda was he doesn’t know what to do with his hands, so he decided to hold Ueda for a while. He found Ueda’s body desirable to touch; unconsciously, he started to run his fingers down Ueda’s lean arms which made the other male’s body shudder under his touch.


“No, that’s okay. I’m just a bit startled that’s all.”

Then Jin noticed that Ueda looked at him as if he was yearning for something. There’s something in the way he looks that made him lean closer to his face, but when he’s about to give those luscious lips of Ueda a taste. A loud moan shattered the moment. Jin instantly looked at Kame and saw Junno giving his lover a blowjob. An instant streak of jealously run through both Ueda and Jin; especially seeing Kame arching is back off the floor because of the sensation Junno was giving him and then with one more loud cry Kame came inside Junno’s mouth. Seeing this, Jin let go of Ueda and tried to stop Junno from going any further.

“Stop! That’s enough!!” Jin exclaimed and tried to extricate Junno from Kame but failed miserably.

Junno ignored him and continued to pleasure Kame. Kame drowned in the sensation held his hands up in search of Junno’s body, in returned the taller male granted his wish and moved towards Kame’s face to give him a kiss. Jin was surprised that Kame didn’t reject Junno at all… he ENJOYED every bit of it. Felt defeated, he retreated back into Ueda as if hugging him would do something to stop the foolishness he started. Jin looked at Ueda, and saw that even if he wasn’t vocal, he could see that Ueda’s body started to tense up because the sight of Junno giving Kame another moment of pleasure that’s supposed to be his and only his is making him jealous. He turned Ueda’s face towards him and saw that the older male’s eyes are starting to fill up with tears of frustration. And then the sudden need to kiss Ueda rushed through him; seeing Ueda with tears is one of the things that Jin can’t tolerate. Ever since the dreadful day that he broke up with him that left their leader crying everyday, so they made sure that the only tears that would be coming out of his eyes are tears of joy and pleasure. Jin leaned over to kiss Ueda; Ueda in turn answered his kiss. But then tears fell from the older male’s eyes, which stopped Jin from kissing him he then asked.

“Doushite? Ueda - Kun?

“ Nothing.” He denied and tried to contain his emotions. But Jin easily read him as if reading a paper.

“You’re angry, aren’t you?” Ueda just nodded and closed his eyes to stead his breathing.

Then Jin held him close, because once Ueda gets really angry, no one’s safe in his path including his lover Junno. Ueda’s grateful that Jin is trying to comfort him, but this is too much, so he broke away from Jin’s grasp. Jin was scared as hell when Ueda stood in front of Junno. He got his guard up and readied himself for the hell that it sure to come afterwards. To his surprise Ueda walked out of the room and left.  Jin had to stop this mess. So he pulled Junno with all his might off Kame, just as Kame came.

“What the~” exclaimed Junno but was cut short when Jin shouted his full name. When Jin yells his full name, he knows he’s serious.

“Junnosuke Taguchi!”

Junno sat up and asked.” Doushite?”

“He left. Crying.” Says Jin with worried eyes then looked at the door.

Junno’s eyes looked for Ueda but found nothing. “Eh?!!” He then got up and put on his clothes and ran after his lover.

Meanwhile Jin sat beside the now exhausted from pleasure Kame. When the younger male came to his senses, his butt hurt from the pleasure Junno gave him, then Kame looked at Jin who’s very disappointed.

Kame sat up and said. “ Gomen ne, Jin I never imagined that it would~”

“There’s no point in defending yourself. It’s very obvious you enjoyed it.” He replied with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

“Now you’re getting angry about me enjoying Junno. May I remind you whose idea is this game anyways?”

“I KNOW!!! That’s why I’m so frustrated!! And seeing you enjoy in someone else’s arms is not enough punishment, I even saw Ueda left crying!”

Kame’s in shock not by Jin raising his voice but the news of Ueda crying. “Rida left crying? Why?”

Jin then faced Kame and explained. “Aside from seeing you enjoying Junno, he can’t control his anger and I thought he’s going to explode, but he suddenly left.”

Realizing that it was half his fault, he slowly got up and put on his clothes to try to look decent and asked Jin to accompany him to search for Ueda. Jin agreed to his lover’s idea. Meanwhile Ueda was out in the streets of Shibuya very frustrated. He can’t get the image of Kame enjoying Junno and he can’t help hearing his moans in his head. When he arrived at a nearby park, he sat under a very large tree and wept his heart out, if that wasn’t enough, he punched the poor defenseless tree, which made his hands bleed, he didn’t care if it would have fallen off his arms, all he wanted to do was to pummel Kame into little pieces until he turns to dust, but he couldn’t. After what seemed like eternity for the poor tree, Ueda stopped and looked at his hands and sat back to the ground. By that time, Junno was running around like a crazy person looking for his Ueda. He kept shouting his name, hoping he would answer back. (As if! >.<) he didn’t realize that he ran passed Ryo, hearing his ex’s name he got curious what had happened. So he too went to look for Ueda. He knew that he Ueda would probably be a place somewhat secluded, that no one would go to at this time. His first hunch was the park, and sure enough that he saw Ueda there with bloody hands. He went closer to his ex and asked.

“What happened to you?”

this is quite short so please do tell me HONESTLY what you think about this... i'll take every criticisms whatsoever...because they are much LOVED

g: kanjani8, g: kat-tun

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