She is done, just a bit...cold at the moment XD But her outfit is on the way so she shall warm up soon. This is the first time I finished a doll before the outfit came. Due to the fact that her bangs would have been weird if I did them FFVII styled, I did it based on Advent Children. Her hair is inbetween the two shades (And should be her proper
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Well, her wig is now on @-@ As is her scalp. So just need to do some cutting and styling, but I figured this would hold some people over *coughLouizecough*
Well, we had glued on Aerith's scalp and wig... and styled it this morning. But the styling ending up pulling both off so we're going to have to use a stronger glue XD
Well, I feel a bit better now, but it's too late to really do another chapter, thus, here's a nice picture of my Nude Latte (And don't worry, she has a "towel") who shall eventually be Aeris/Aerith.
Sadly, I most likely won't have any updates today... Horrible allergy day today and I feel like total crud to say it lightly... In a happier note though, the Nude Latte arrived today...