Images from
Home of the Nutty.
Icons due Friday, October 9 at 10 PM EST.
Images may contain spoilers.
Rules & Entries
- You must be a member to submit icons.
- Icons must be new, nothing previously posted anywhere else.
- You may only use the images posted for the week's challenge.
- Blending of more than one of the images provided is allowed. Adding new images is not.
- NO ANIMATED ICONS. This is a stillness challenge.
- Your icon must be of Jensen. It can have other people in it, but Jensen must be in it, too!
- Please submit your icons in a comment to the challenge post, those comments will be screened.
- Do not post your challenge icons anywhere else on the web until the challenge is over.
- Your icons must meet livejournal standards (100x100 or smaller, less than 40KB).
- Do not host your icons at imageshack. It is too unreliable. Host them at photobucket instead.
- You can enter up to a total of 3 icons per challenge.
- Your icons must be submitted in the following format: (your user name or your icon journal user name)
-If your entry does not meet these standards, it will not be valid.
- If you would like a banner please let us know at the post in which the winners are posted.
- Please let us know what user name you would like it to go to.
- Please be patient. You will get your banners in due time.
- Voting will take place Saturday and Sunday.
- Please don't send your friends to vote for your icons, also please don't vote for yourself.
- Votes will be screened.
- Anonymous votes will not be counted.
- You may only vote once.