So after much failure and trouble, I finally got my PT Set to work, I tested it out on some sims in Dummyhood here are my results:
First off let me introduce you to our PTs.
This is PT Asteria. She uses the non-default version of
bondchick_nett's alien skin here:
http://community.livejournal.com/fightocrime/38830.html#cutid1 She along with the rest of her alien sisters has a custom alien eye color from here:
http://kinemortophobia.livejournal.com/23404.html She uses 001.
This PT Lysippe. She uses eye color 009 from the eye link provided under Asteria's description.
Her skintone comes from here:
http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=290695 ![](http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y119/LadyAnime14/Sims%202/TS2BodyShop2010-08-0415-24-32-20.jpg)
This is PT Marpesia, she will use whatever skin and eyes you have for your alien defaults.
Finally we come to PT Okyale. She uses eye color 006 and her skintone comes from here:
Now that we've met the PTs let's take a look at our testers.
They're not really anyone special. Just face templates but I figured that this would be the best.
Lucky for me each guy got a different PT to impregnate him. So yay!
So yeah used Insim to get them pregnant and then sped up their pregnancies.
We were given our results, oddly enough all girls. XD
Meet Serena, Raye, Amy, and Lita... and if you get where I got the names... Shut up, it was all I could think of. >:I
Here are our girls as toddlers. Skin appears fine, eyes appear fine, my nerves are restored.
So a few clicks of insim later and here are the girls all grown-up. You can now download the girls but do keep in mind that they come somewhat CC-free (what with the custom skin and eyes) so they don't quite look the same as their pictures (I was too lazy to go take bodyshop shots).
Download Serena Testers ![](http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y119/LadyAnime14/Sims%202/Sims2ep92010-08-0609-58-25-85.jpg)
Download Amy Testers ![](http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y119/LadyAnime14/Sims%202/Sims2ep92010-08-0609-58-33-75.jpg)
Download Raye Testers ![](http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y119/LadyAnime14/Sims%202/Sims2ep92010-08-0609-58-40-49.jpg)
Download Lita Testers=========================
Last but not least