SGA fic: R is for Rant 1/1

Jan 02, 2015 14:25

TITLE: R is for Rant
NOTES: Written for the "wild card" space on my hc_bingo card and the "R" of the SGA Alphabet challenge. Original character POV. Canon compliant.

SUMMARY: I thought it would be peaceful in the lab since McKay had laryngitis.

I had been on Atlantis for about six weeks when I put in a request for more painkillers from Earth.

Now, I'm a scientist. I work in a lab -- the lab on Atlantis, the central hub. I am a researcher on Ancient Tech and the potential to reverse-engineer much of what they left behind. You wouldn't think I'd be needing so many painkillers.

But I do. I definitely do. Because my boss is Rodney McKay.

Every day, he finds fault with something. If not of mine, of someone else's. And he gets loud. I think it's fair to say a jet taking off would be drowned out by one of McKay's rants.

The last couple of days, McKay's had a terrible case of laryngitis. I thought it would be a bit more peaceful in the lab - after all, how could McKay rant without a voice?

I should have known. It's McKay. Of course he would find a way to get his unique brand of persuasion across without a voice!

So - yeah. McKay still rants. And I still return to quarters with a terrible tension headache. Every - single - shift.

I wonder if I could figure out how to reverse-engineer some painkillers....


fic, atlantis, alphabet challenge, h/c bingo

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