SPN fic: To Save Sam 1/1

Jan 01, 2015 23:57

TITLE: To Save Sam
GENRE: h/c, angst
NOTES: Canon-compliant, early season 9. Written for the "wings" square on my hc_bingo card.
SUMMARY: He'd done it to save Sam.

He'd done it to save Sam.

He'd seen his brother dying, sliding even further away - this time, forever. He'd been here before - and he found he couldn't handle it any better this time around.

Before, he'd made a deal with a demon. This time, he'd made a deal with an angel.

He'd done it to save Sam. And he'd do it again.

He would deal with whoever and whatever he had to deal with. He would do whatever he had to do to never, ever have to see his brother dying before his eyes again.

He didn't know if he fully trusted this 'Ezekiel', but one thing was very plain.

His presence was healing Sammy.

He'd done it to save Sam. And he'd do it again - if it meant he wouldn't lose his little brother.

But when he saw his brother's body - too strong, too powerful - eyes glowing with angelic grace and the shadow of ravaged wings spreading on the wall behind him.....

He feared he'd already lost Sammy.


fic, spn, h/c bingo

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