Title: New Lease Fandom: The Power Monkees. Characters: Peter Prompt: 099. Writer's Choice (permanent). Word Count: 248 Rating: G (Fan rating K) Summary: It had been six months. That meant this -- reversal -- was more than likely permanent.
Poor Peter! Yeah, I can see how Phyllis would see this as a gift, especially since it would give them an edge when they went to go help her out in the Fairy Realm, but it definately does 'cause them problems because they are so well known in the music business.
I could even see where they couldn't reveal what had happened to them beyond a few select people, as other might want the secret to their 'youth' and try and create their own 'fountain'.
But excellent part! One more and it shall be over for the 100 series. :(
Comments 2
I could even see where they couldn't reveal what had happened to them beyond a few select people, as other might want the secret to their 'youth' and try and create their own 'fountain'.
But excellent part! One more and it shall be over for the 100 series. :(
And yeah, I'm gonna miss the challenge.
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