How do you use the different social networks?

Jul 18, 2011 13:40

At the moment I'm on 4 general purpose networks - Twitter, Facebook, LJ, and Google+. I also participate in a few special interest networks and some forums, but we're not talking about them today ( Read more... )

general life: thoughts, internet: twitter, internet: lj, internet: facebook, internet: google plus

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Comments 2

seawasp July 18 2011, 18:03:57 UTC
I'm on LJ, FB, LinkedIn, and recently Twitter.

LJ: Central clearing house for anything I want to say to the world. I have my beta-reading community here, too.

FB: I have some people through which this is a primary contact.

Twitter: My agent suggested I be on it. I see no utility in it at all and forget I have it often.

LinkedIn: contacts with business associates.

I use Usenet more than any of these newcomers.


shannon730 July 18 2011, 18:48:00 UTC
I use twitter the most, I think. I can post quick thoughts from my phone or iPod so I'm more likely to use it.

Facebook, I use the least for anything but games. It's mostly family and extended family...basically people I KNOW don't share my views and I don't want to deal with the crap involved in sharing those views with them. (I can crosspost with a hashtag from Twitter to Facebok so I do that occasionally for family sharing info.)

LJ, I pretty much post whatever I you said, anything that takes more than a sentence or two. And for venting my frustration for the people on my FB. :)

Tumblr, I have and read but rarely post new content, just reblog stuff that interests me.

Google-Plus...I really like the format, but am still working out what to do with it. I'd probably use it the way I used FB before my family swarmed me there since I can filter it more.


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