Part One - Red Part Two - Orange Part Three - Yellow Part Four - Green Part Five - Blue Part Six - Indigo Part Seven - Violet WHITE - The Story Of A Long Way
I know, it's not winter yet, not the right time for such a story, but I couldn't help myself ^^
Once there was a snowflake. A snowflake with dreams and plans.
The snowflake had been told that its existence wouldn't last long, and so it wanted to make the best of it. It wanted to see much on its way to earth, wonderful, legendary earth, and it wanted to land at a special place. It didn't yet know what this special place was going to be, but however, it wanted something special.
The moments before its departure from its homecloud were exciting. As much as it knew it would miss home, the place where it had been made, it also was thrilled to see the world. The world below so many stories were told about among the waiting snowflakes in the crowd. Where the stories came from? No one knew. But every flake wanted to believe them, because they were so wonderful, like fairytales.
The departure from the homecloud - letting itself fall - frightened the young and inexperienced little flake a bit, but its excitement won over its fears. The moment it fell and saw the earth for the first time, all thoughts about home and its fellow snowflakes were soon forgotten. There was so much to see.
No snowflake ever knew where it would land. It could be anywhere, and it was a surprise for everyone to finally see where their way down would bring them. Our little snowflake was dreaming of a place with those strange two-legged, two-armed beings called humans it had heard of. Those humans sometimes united in love, a strong and magic emotion, and the snowflake dreamed of finding, seeing such humans, a couple, as it was told they were called.
The snowflake had always known that there were little chances to be so lucky; there were so many humans on that world below, a world indescribable huge that a small flake could easily get lost. And maybe never find the way and destination it dreamed of. But about that the snowflake didn't want to think. As long as there was hope, it would dream.
Time ran, and earth was coming closer. The life of a snowflake was, compared to many other life forms, not very long, but it was a lifetime nonetheless, and an exciting one. And our little snowflake loved every second of it. There were lights and colors below it, and a whole new world to explore. Maybe it didn't have much time, but that didn't matter - the only thing that mattered was what it made of the time it had.
The snowflake took in every impression it got. Closer and closer came the destination fate had chosen for the little flake and, a bit to its surprise, this destination actually seemed to fulfill its wishes. There were those legendary human beings. It saw them. Moving around, through a blanket of white of which the little snowflake knew were its brothers and sisters who had already made their way to earth.
And then, suddenly, the little flake spotted two beings that showed a different behavior than most of the other humans it had seen. Those two, amidst thousands of the snowflake's brothers and sisters, and away from the other humans, seemed to be close, like they were one. Their structures, bodies it thought this was called, connected closely, and as far as the flake could tell, they were very happy.
When the snowflake fell the last meters, close to those two humans, it heard them whisper.
"Patrick?" said the one that looked dark from above, and for a moment, they connected again.
"Mhh?" the other one, from the flake's above point of view looking bright, a bit like what had been described to them as the sun, responded. Then the first one spoke again.
"I love you."
"And I love you, Teresa." And then, they connected once more.
The little snowflake was joyous. All the legends about earth and humans and love were true. As true as the flake's dreams had become.
It had seen earth. It had seen humans. And it had seen love. The most beautiful thing in the world.