Review of Redemption in Indigo

Feb 23, 2012 15:05

I cannot remember any names, and I read this on audio about a month ago, so forgive my lack of details and names.

Can I just mention how much I loved this book? Female protagonist that is not stupid, does smart things, gets exasperated with stupid stuff, but still loves her family and her husband? Wow.
I think this is something more along the lines I was hoping to read when we read Who Fears Death by Nnedi Okorafor last year. Which was an excellent book, just...heavier than I could handle at that time.

Redemption in Indigo was full of lessons, like all great folk tales, for all the characters involved. Not only did the "bad" guy learn a lesson, so did the chaotic neutral 1st husband, sister, and the main character. When I first finished it I thought that the ending was a little too neat. After thinking about it for a while, it was the only ending that really made sense. I first thought the female djembe wanted the Indigo Lord to learn from Paama (I looked up the names), and hence, be redeemed. But the ending is what she was really pushing for. She wanted him to be redeemed through starting over.

The narrative setup is a storyteller in a courtyard telling the story, which was pretty awesome on audio. It made everything flow so naturally. :)

This book was read for calico_reaction's Theme Park Book Club.

review, book club

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