What I Love About Stargate part 2 (meta)

May 05, 2012 07:05

Shipper Wars
by jennickels (aka Jen Connelly)
Stargate SG-1
437 words
rating: PG

All dialogue: SG-1 discusses something Cam found on the internet that disturbs him. Just for lulz.

don't own... wish I did, but I don't. No infringement intended.

[click here for silliness]
Hey, Jackson, what's up with these Sam/Jack shippers? They seem really obsessed.

Who? What?

Like, look at this one chick. She's doing a Favorite Things list and has a picspam of some of our alien allies. And another with all the bad guys we've taken care out.

You mean that we've taken out before you were part of the "we".

Whatever. Then she has 20 icons dedicated to Sam and General O'Neill. What the hell about the rest of us?

Why do you care?

Because I don't see any icons of me!

So, it's an ego thing.

No, it's a principal thing. How can you make a list and not include the rest of SG-1?

There are other people on this show besides SG-1.

You're missing the point.

Probably because you haven't made one yet.

Teal'c what are your thoughts?

It appears this woman is most enamored with O'Neill. It says on her profile page that she has named her youngest son after him.

Just because she named him Jack doesn't mean she named him after our Jack.

No, it says right here that she named him after a Stargate character.

Well, don't tell Jack, his ego doesn't need any more stroking.

Unlike Colonel Mitchell's.

Funny. I'm just saying that these Sam/Jack shippers are a little... out there. I don't even know where they got this idea from in the first place. It's not like there's anything going on between Sam and the... What?

Nothing. Not a thing.


You are most blind, Colonel Mitchell.

What does that mean?

What does what mean?

Ah, Vala, she'll side with me. Her ego's bigger than all of ours put together.

What did I miss?

Just Cam getting his panties in a twist because some lady on the internet didn't include him in her favorite things about Stargate.

And because he was unaware of the relationship between O'Neill and Colonel Carter.

Really? Because I thought that was pretty obvious and I barely know General O'Neill.

Forget about Sam and the general. Can we just get back to the issue at hand?

What was that again?

Ugh... the lack of the rest of us on this list.

Don't care.

Nor do I.

Hmmm. Doesn't really bother me either. It's just one Sam/Jack fan. If you want something that will really spin your head you should check out this list of Daniel/Vala shippers. It's massive.


Oh, Daniel, why are you so surprised. And it's mostly porn.

Of course it is.

I think I'm going to be ill, I did not need to know that.


character: sg-1 (new), genre: humor, fanfic, idea: challenge, fic: sg-1, writing: meta, comm: stargateland, style: dialogue only

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