It's a delicious sight, Doctor.

Jun 10, 2007 16:40

I'm gearing up for tonight's comics, and watching a movie as I start fixing up the panels from last week. I'd been reading about the early versions of Dune, with Jodoworsky and Ridley Scott and HR Giger and what not, then moving on to the early versions of Lynch's Dune.

The only version I have on DVD is the Sci Fi miniseries from 2001. I have the David Lynch version on VHS, as well as the extended one. I've seen the Lynch one a billion times, so I'm watching the Sci Fi one.

I forgot how well done this was. It moves at a lightning pace for 6 hours, tells the story with only minimal "huh wha?" moments, an international cast (Too many productions speak Californian English), and excellent production values for the amount of money they spent. Even some of the cost cutting measures they used, such as large obvious backdrops give it a stage feel (with a lot of rhyming couplets and harsh lighting changes).

The only part that disappointed me is that it takes place in the Silly Hat Universe. Everyone has a silly hat. The Bene Gesserit wear these gigantic winged skullcaps. The Spacing Guild have conehead pointed hats and even the Saurdaukar wear gigantic artist hats. While they got the Fremen stillsuits spot-on, the DAvid Lynch version, I think, nailed that "feudal hierarchy" look better than these guys did. In the commentary, even the producer mentions "YEah, I think we went over board on that." :)

Thankfully, in Children of Dune, they dumped the Silly Hats Universe and went with a more feudal look. Looks like it's gonna be a Dune night while I work on comics. :)
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