I can't put this off any longer

Dec 31, 2008 08:31

Year end round up of writing:

The Muppet Show: BaDumBUM (Hey, you try writing out a series of drummed beats in an understandable way.) Fozzie Bear in the present tense.

Gracious goodness, all the rest are Stargate:Atlantis, aren’t they?

One co-written with beadslut:
They Also Serve who Only Sit and Wait - Five snapshots on SGA. Written together, of a sort, though I’ll give her writing credit and take beta on four of the five, but flip that for Two Weeks (Miko). If you were curious as to which one I wrote rather than discussed, that’s the one.

One het:
Clean Thoughts
Keller and dating in Atlantis.
Written before the show went there, so it’s more Jossed than deliberate AU. Keller/Dex, Keller/McKay, Keller/Lorne, Keller/Zelenka

Two gen:
In Re: Ecological Contamination which points up my fondness for self-referential titles that no one else gets and was originally called “Johnson and the Peach Pits” which says even more about my continuing difficulties in titling stories.

A commentfic for gblvr
Zelenka being kind and competent.

Two slash:
Spring Training
Zelenka/Lorne and yet another wacky Ancient machine

The other commentfic for gblvr
Contingent on Context
Zelenka/Lorne, established.

Here are the similar lists for 2007, 2006, 2005, and 2004.

Short of posting bits of the WiPs, that is it for the year. 7 stories, two fandoms. Kind of sad, actually. Other than the NCIS/HP werewolf fic that’s two scenes from done and with a call out for beta, I’ve really only got two WiPs that aren’t permanently stalled and neither are near finished: the SGA teamfic MK9-265 is really only a collection of dialogue bits and Draco on Serenity is missing a chunk of its spine . Talking dogs and cracked out crossovers, ye gods. Good thing I’m just doing this for fun, eh?


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