The Evolution of a Writer

Apr 27, 2011 01:26

So, I know I said I'd post here whatever I posted over on blogger, but this particular entry is graphic heavy and I'm just too lazy to upload them all to Photobucket. And speaking of which, does anyone know of a way to automatically post my blogger entries over here without copying and pasting? I am so lame when it comes to that stuff.

Anyway, I ( Read more... )


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jengt April 30 2011, 04:18:47 UTC
I usually have trouble copying and pasting from Blogger over to LJ. The picture formatting is usually wonky. But I always see posts that at the end say something like Mirrored from SO&SO or Originally Published Here. So I wondered if there was some other secret way of doing it! I'll have to look into it...


edgyauthor April 28 2011, 10:31:38 UTC
I already commented over on Blogger, but I still wanna say here how I LOVED reading about the evolution of a writer. :P

I wish I could help with the automatic-posting thing, but since I've never had to cross-post, I have yet to learn that. Good luck finally learning the answer!


jengt April 30 2011, 04:19:40 UTC
You should have heard me giggling while putting that post together! Good times. :D Thanks for checking it out!


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