SGA John Sheppard/Ronon Dex Stories

Dec 30, 2009 01:00

Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue, don't take this too seriously.

Also, these are all available over on Wraithbait, if it's easier for you to read it over there.  (The link's in the sidebar).

Title: I Am The Weapon
Rating: Ranges from PG-13 to NC-17.  So, mostly R, if we're talking averages?
Spoilers: Oh, all the way through to the bitter end. Seriously. Pretty much every episode.
Pairing: Sheppard/Dex
Genre: Drabbles, Episode Tags. Missing Scenes
Warnings: Unbetaed AND it's the first thing (well, er, things) I've ever written of my own free will.
Summary: They don't always get along...

1 Runner 2 Duet 3 Condemned 4 Trinity 5 Instinct and Conversion 6 Aurora 7 The Lost Boys 8 The Hive 9 Epiphany 10 Critical Mass 11 Grace Under Pressure and The Tower 12 The Long Goodbye 13 Coup D'etat 14 Michael 15 Inferno 16 Allies, No Man's Land, Misbegotten 17 Irresistible 18 Sateda 19 Progeny 20 The Real World 21 Common Ground 22 McKay and Mrs. Miller 23 Phantoms 24 The Return 1 & 2 25 Echoes 26 Irresponsible 27 Tao of Rodney 28 The Game 29 The Ark 30 Sunday 31 Submersion 32 Vengeance 33 First Strike 34 Adrift 35 Lifeline 36 Reunion 37 Doppelganger 38 Travelers 39 Tabula Rasa 40 Missing 41 The Seer 42 Miller's Crossing 43 This Mortal Coil 44 Be All My Sins Remember'd 45 Spoils of War 46 Quarantine 47 Harmony 48 Outcast 49 Trio 50 Midway 51 The Kindred 1 52 The Kindred 2 53 The Last Man 54 Search and Rescue 55 The Seed 56 Broken Ties 57 The Daedalus Variations 58 Ghost In The Machine 59 The Shrine 60 Whispers 61 The Queen 62 Tracker 63 First Contact 64 The Lost Tribe 65 Outsiders 66 Inquisition 67 The Prodigal 68 Remnants 69 Brain Storm 70 Infection 71 Identity 72 Vegas 73 Enemy at the Gate

Title: Right Now
Rating: R for language
Spoilers: Up through Broken Ties
Pairing: Sheppard/Dex
Genre: Angst, H/C, Schmoop, Veering into AU
Summary: Right now, things are a mess.
A/N: Just something I almost threw inside IATW that wouldn't leave me alone.

Right Now #1 Right Now #2 Right Now #3 Right Now #4

Title: Flash of the Blade
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Up through Reunion
Pairing: Sheppard/Dex
Genre: Drama, Angst.
Warnings: None.
Summary: Sheppard can't figure Ronon out. Or his motives.

Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10

Title: Time Baby
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Up through Reunion
Pairing: Sheppard/Dex
Genre: Ah, not the very short crackfic that I originally intended. ;)
Warnings: None.
Summary: This is for gaffsie 's request, who, in response to my request for requests, responded: "Did someone say 'overused fanfic trope'? Let's hear it for ancient de-aging devices!"  I really have no idea if this is what you were hoping for, but here you go anyway, dear!

Time Baby

Title: Some Candy Talking
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: none
Pairing: Sheppard/Dex
Genre: PWP
Warnings: Sleep Deprivation
Summary: This is for rubygirl29 , who requested "Ronon's first taste of chocolate." There was really no way this was destined to become anything other than total PWP smut. Hope you like it, dear!

Some Candy Talking

Title: What You Give
Rating: G
Spoilers: Season 5
Pairing: Sheppard/Dex
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None.
Summary: This is for rubygirl29 's request: "I'm wondering if anybody notice that in "Runner" Ronon has a rather gruesome trophy on his necklace (is that the word I'm looking for?) At some point, the wraith fingerbones are gone. What happened to them?" Well, here it is, blink and you'll miss it. :)

What You Give

Title: The World Has Turned and Left Me Here
Rating: R
Spoilers: Early season 2
Pairing: Sheppard/Dex
Genre: Another Trope!fic. These are fun! Pre-slash, this time.
Warnings: Conceived of and written within three hours when I should have been working, and it could probably use something more than a basic spell check. ;)
Summary: Ronon is John. John is Ronon. Then they aren't.

The World Has Turned And Left Me Here

Title: Humans From Earth
Rating: PG, heck, maybe G.
Spoilers: Post season 5
Pairing: Sheppard/Dex
Genre: Another Trope!fic. Total fluff. Seriously. SERIOUSLY.
Warnings: None.
Summary: AMTDI.

Humans From Earth

Title: Leave it Alone
Rating: PG
Spoilers: None
Genre: Commentfic
Warnings: None
Summary: For gaffsie 's prompt over on the comment_fic community: "SGA, John/Ronon, aliens make them talk about their feelings."

Leave it Alone

Title: I Don't Know Why I Love You
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: The Seed, and the tiniest hints of The Prodigal
Genre: Schmoop? Ficlet?
Warnings: None.
Summary: Fluff, because angst is so totally yesterday.

I Don't Know Why I Love You

Title: High Speed Dirt
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: None
Genre: Ficlet
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue, don't take this too seriously.
Summary: Written for maab_connor 's prompt "John/Ronon: jumping out of a perfectly good airplane," over on the comment_fic community.

High Speed Dirt

Title: Raining All The Time
Rating: PG-13 to be safe
Spoilers: Tiny one for "The Storm"
Genre: Drama. In the high school sense of the word. Angst?
Warnings: None.
Summary: Stuck in a cave with nothing to do, Wormhole X-treme, the Pegasus version, a wardrobe malfunction of the towel variety, a secret relationship revealed, or possibly kept a secret, arts and crafts, War & Peace, shaving, getting drugged by villagers into cuddling. And it rains a lot.
A/N: Written for rubygirl29  , nomelon  , and gaffsie  , who all are super awesome and rad and the best enablers a girl like me could hope for (because if it was up to me, I'd still be talking about how wet rain is), and who deserve far more than 2,568 words.

Raining All The Time

Title: Umbrella
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: None
Genre: Commentfic
Warnings: None
Summary: For gaffsie 's prompt over on comment_fic: Pet Peeves: SGA, John/Ronon, fiddling with the environmental controls.


Title: Staring at the Sun
Rating: R?  NC-17?  Starting with the smut, right out of the gate, here.  :)
By: Jendavis
Spoilers: Vague Season 5
Pairing: John Sheppard/ Ronon Dex
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue, don't take this too seriously.
Summary: This is all nomelon's fault, because if it wasn't for stumbling upon one of her SN stories, I wouldn't have actually spent the next three hours thinking about the darwinian adaptations of sex pollen.

Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 and Epilogue

Title: Parallel Universe
Rating: G
Spoilers: SGA: McKay & Mrs. Miller
Pairing: MENSA!John/Ronon
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None.
Summary: Rod's got some questions, once he gets back.

Parallel Universe

Title: This Time
Rating: PG-13- teeny bit of language
Spoilers: Could be read as gen. I feel like that's something I should warn about. *smirk*
Genre: commentfic (that didn't fit in the comments. Go on. Try and act surprised.)
Warnings: None.
Summary: for rubygirl29  's prompt on comment_fic  : SGA, John/Ronon, On a scale of 1-10, how bad is it?

This Time

Title: Louder Than War
Rating: G
Spoilers: Season 4, very mild spoilers
Genre: Commentfic
Warnings: None.
Summary: for clwilson2006  's prompt over on comment_fic  : SGA, Ronon/Any, Satedan Rock'n'Roll

Louder than War

Title: Strangers When We Meet
Rating: R
Genre: AU
Summary: Sateda never fell.  (Written for telesilla 's prompt in the John/Ronon thing-a-thon at satedan_grabass  )

Strangers When We Meet

Title:  Fly Again
Rating: PG
Genre: Ficlet written for hc_bingo   for prompt "Wings (sudden onset)"
A/N: I nearly wrote this about being bombarded by Paul McCartney's post-Beatles band, but I reined it in. Barely. Also, if you're interested, the title comes from the song of the same name by Davy Vain.

Fly Again

Title: I Live to Fall Asleep
Rating: PG
Genre: Ficlet written for hc_bingo for prompt "Telepathy (always there, but sudden trauma)"

I Live to Fall Asleep

Title: Never Let Me Down Again
Rating: PG-13
A/N: for nevardevereaux, who wanted to see the feelings behind the scenes. I cheated, and wound up filling in some missing scenes. Hope this is close enough, anyway!
Summary: The fallout from "Reunion" (the one where Ronon almost leaves Atlantis for his old team, who prove to be wraith worshipers). Or, five times talking doesn't help, and once where it doesn't need to.

Never Let Me Down Again

Title: Being a Girl
Rating: R?
Summary: Written for hc_bingo, prompt: "Surprise Sexswap"

Being a Girl

Title: Medicate
Rating: R
Summary: Follows "Being a Girl."  Written for hc_bingo, prompt: "MPREG- Difficult Pregnancy."
Warnings: Abortion


Title: Weighty Ghost
Rating: PG
Summary: Written for hc_bingo prompt "Sensory Deprivation."

Weighty Ghost

Title:My Own Worst Enemy
Rating: PG-13
Summary: For gaffsie  and rubygirl29 , who helped with some muchly needed prompt action (thanks dearies!) Written for hc_bingo  prompt "Wild Card," which became "detoxing."

My Own Worst Enemy

Title: Cuts You Up
Rating: PG-13
Summary: It all started with Ronon's knife, held to his own throat.
A/N: satedan_grabass  2011 story, written for rustler .

Cuts You Up

Title: The History of the World
Rating: R
Summary: Post-series. After everything, Ronon takes John back to Sateda.
A/N: Written for esteefee 's help_japan  bid.

The History of the World

Title: I Don't Like Mondays
Rating: PG-13
Summary: John's having a craptastic day.
A/N: Ficlet for rubygirl29, who's Monday sounded cruddy, too.

I Don't Like Mondays

Cover art by the talented and lovely rubygirl29!

Title: Damaged Goods
Rating: R
Summary: AU: Ronon's immune to the wraith. Detective John Sheppard doesn't die in the Las Vegas desert. It would probably be easier if the opposites of both were true.
Links: All chapters available on AO3 and Wraithbait, or start with the master post on Dreamwidth or Livejournal.

Title: I'd Do It Again If I Could
Summary: It always starts the same way, and almost always ends the same way, too. satedan_grabass entry for esteefee!
Links: LJ // AO3

Title: Insomnia
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Ronon can't sleep.
A/N: esteefee wanted insomniac sparring smut; I think I just wanted an excuse...
Links: LJ // AO3 // DW

Title: Trying to Find a Balance
Rating: G
Summary: Written for esteefee's Hugfest 2012: episode tag for Enemy at the Gate.
Links: AO3 // DW // LJ

Title: Speak Slow
Rating: PG
Summary: The gate's translation protocol breaks down the moment they step through the gate. John and Ronon, fortunately, aren't big talkers.
Links: Crossposted to AO3, Wraithbait, Dreamwidth and Livejournal

Title: When Universes Collide (Sheppard/Dex pre-slash)
Recipient's name: busaikko
Prompt: (in no particular order)
1) canon AU (Daedalus Variations, Tao of Rodney, Vegas, Road Less Taken, etc.)
2) "speaking my language"
3) so... what exactly does a Specialist do? (bonus points if it's an unexpected specialization)

Rating: (PG)

Links: AO3, DW, or LJ.

sheppard/dex, sga

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