Title: Lunchtime Rugby Genre: Humor Pairing/Characters: America, Australia, Canada, England, New Zealand Rating: PG Warnings: Swearing? Summary: The Commonwealth Nations play some backyard rugby between meetings at America's house.
I love it when England yells that Canada is invisible. <3 New Zealand is such a nice child, and I'm surprise that America actually wants to be the referee instead of player.
And sorry, I guess that I'm just talking nonsense, but I love this story. :D
oooosnap, i keep forgetting that America is Canada's brother though it makes sense...duuur...though every time i see canada, i just feel this urge to make an AMV with "Blame Canada!" but blame him for what?
I really need to finish reading the manga x_x i'll get unlazy eventually but at least the webisodes are only 5 minutes! :3
I decided to make his ability work for him instead of against him for a change. :D
In hindsight I should've made him tackle England in the last play. England squirming around on the grass with an invisible weight holding him down would've been hilarious. XD
I was so happy to see some rugby in this fandom! As a rugger, it always makes me happy to see it. It's so unknown. D:
Canada and New Zealand as a team would be fierce. xD Also loved America reffing...rugby would be about the only sport I think he'd enjoy reffing more than playing. xD
I like seeing sport in the fandom in general (I'm loving the World Cup coverage so far), though I was worrying if the tackles were legal or not while I was at work. ^^; I was sure I hadn't included any forward passes though.
Rugby isn't that popular where you are? It's something of a national religion here, and it'll be even more important next year when the World Cup is on (NZ is the host for next year's cup).
I'd agree on America enjoying reffing more. You get a whistle, and the players have to listen to you...
It's not a big deal in the US. And people know what it is, but when I say that I play rugby generally the first comment is, "You're batshit insane, right?" Sometimes the BBC or some obscure sports channel on TV has it on, but it's hard to even find on TV. D:
And people know what it is, but when I say that I play rugby generally the first comment is, "You're batshit insane, right?"
People over here would want to know what club you play for, not call you crazy. I think because American football is played with so much safety equipment, the thought of a sport where you forgo most safety equipment sounds crazy. Unless their only exposure to rugby is the episode of Friends where Ross attempted to play rugby, and wound up trying to injure the opposing team instead...
It sucks that rugby is hard to find, but do they at least play the odd bit of coverage for tournaments the US is actually involved in (such as the sevens tournament held in Vegas this year)?
I wouldn't be surprised if Canada was secretly badass at sports people didn't know his country played. He did spend enough time as part of the Empire for stuff like rugby and cricket to be introduced, but skill at those isn't as noticeable as his skills at other winter sports. :D
Comments 27
New Zealand is such a nice child, and I'm surprise that America actually wants to be the referee instead of player.
And sorry, I guess that I'm just talking nonsense, but I love this story. :D
In rugby the referee's word is law, so why wouldn't America want that kind of power over his family members? ;D
I really need to finish reading the manga x_x i'll get unlazy eventually but at least the webisodes are only 5 minutes! :3
Being invisible? Giving the world maple syrup? (I'm sure he keeps the really good stuff for himself. ¬¬)
I love how you used his 'ability' in this, it's such a sweet fic!! 8D <3 <3 <3
The ending especially made me melt! ^^
In hindsight I should've made him tackle England in the last play. England squirming around on the grass with an invisible weight holding him down would've been hilarious. XD
But it was quite amusing already C: Im just glad to see New Zealand treating Canada well! ^^~
he needs more love, <3
I'm done now.
I was so happy to see some rugby in this fandom! As a rugger, it always makes me happy to see it. It's so unknown. D:
Canada and New Zealand as a team would be fierce. xD Also loved America reffing...rugby would be about the only sport I think he'd enjoy reffing more than playing. xD
Rugby isn't that popular where you are? It's something of a national religion here, and it'll be even more important next year when the World Cup is on (NZ is the host for next year's cup).
I'd agree on America enjoying reffing more. You get a whistle, and the players have to listen to you...
People over here would want to know what club you play for, not call you crazy. I think because American football is played with so much safety equipment, the thought of a sport where you forgo most safety equipment sounds crazy. Unless their only exposure to rugby is the episode of Friends where Ross attempted to play rugby, and wound up trying to injure the opposing team instead...
It sucks that rugby is hard to find, but do they at least play the odd bit of coverage for tournaments the US is actually involved in (such as the sevens tournament held in Vegas this year)?
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