I have tons of comments to answer to and I swear I'm gonna do it soon, maybe this afternoon if I have time. So if you receive a reply to a month old comment, don't worry, it's just the same, old me. Late as ever. LOL Time is kinda evil lately, I'm preparing a five books exam of linguistic and I'm not exactly at my top, physically speaking, so I'm
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Comments 18
Riguardo Blair, all'inizio tutti la odiano, ma vedrai che col tempo (specialmente nella seconda stagione) imparerai ad amarla, e allora amerai talmente tanto sia Leighton che Blair che la giovane Lei diventerà la tua mita <3
Personalmente preferisco tuttora Blake/Serena, ma il potenziale di Lei-Lei non si può ignorare!
E adesso mi hai fatto venire voglia di guardare Star Trek! *_* Devo trovarlo da qualche parte in streaming e vederlo NAO!
Al momento sono a metà prima stagione e adoro Serena. Tanto tanto. E Dan. XD Credo di essere uno stereotipo di fan. XD
E sì, vai a vedere Star Trek, io penso che ci tornerò, mi è piaciuto troppo. *_* E poi Zachary. *_*
And LOL, Gossip Girls is G.R.E.A.T! For those who aren't talking about it (+ve or -ve comment), I'm really concerned 8D
and <3333s for reading and replying all the comments~ it makes me feel super excited each time i receive one~ (e.g. just then, it's close to 1am on this side of the globe, and BAM you're reply showed up on my email! Oh joy~)
anyhow, good luck for the exams and things!!! and come back with more stories soon!!!
You're so right, that show is amazing and I wonder why it took me so long to watch it. :D
I've answered something like 100 comments in the past two hours, I'm drained. LOL
Thanks, darling! I hope they'll go well. :D As for the stories, there's just the prequel for now, but it's better than nothing, right? XD
anyway, i hope this doesn't sound weird, but, i really love all of your fics and things, so... friend?
I like that you listened to those comments. :O
and lol gossip girl.
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