It's a good point and something of a paradox that Freedom of Speech doea mean that even idiots can be protected when they throw up such useless drivel or danggerous messages. It is unfortunate.
Though as an aside, one thing to note is that many of these people who post "How to make a bomb" will go ahead and make one, even going so far as posting You-Tube videos of these acts. While you can't catch them on their freedom of speach, you can catch them on the construction of an explosive device which is not free speech. :3
Comments 2
Though as an aside, one thing to note is that many of these people who post "How to make a bomb" will go ahead and make one, even going so far as posting You-Tube videos of these acts. While you can't catch them on their freedom of speach, you can catch them on the construction of an explosive device which is not free speech. :3
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