USPS returned one of our letters today. That is, it was in the PO Box, but no Return to Sender stamp or anything to indicate why it wasn't delivered, so I dropped it back in the mail slot.
Thing is, today was the SECOND day I did this. Even just a blank Return to Sender stamp [no reason given] would suffice--so long as I have some justification for taking it back to the office. As is, it just looks unsent. I'm curious how long this game will go.
Punchy and Boomer* spent a good hour or whatever on a conference call with the bank to get that scanner shit up and running AT LAST to save me having to go to the bank every day. Which is a shame, 'cause the bank isn't where I want to avoid having to go every day =/ especially since the bank has multiple locations, only the one post office has our box 9_9 [also, the post office doesn't give me free crap for no reason [insert photo of lollipops, piggy bank keychain, and tiny hand sanitizer bottle]]
*who is increasingly resembling
another boss figure for reasons of unjustified projection, I can only assume, but who am I to deny myself reference material where I can get it?
But it works now! So I scan checks. And we keep them, apparently, which is just a bit uncomfortable for me for some reason. Also, if the check doesn't scan correctly, I can make a photocopy and scan that...? AND IT WORKS?? o_O
That's not the fun part, tho. The FUN PART is, somehow, this all triggered Punchy and Taffy [I'm-a call her that 'cause she brought some] to find a whole stack of undeposited checks.
From February.
This is a lot of money to let sit unclaimed. Like, $30K? <=p And somehow in that time only the one person discovered her check hadn't cleared? YAY THANK YOU
Creativeness temporarily on hold for other creativeness--I get to proof a book! =D For, um... credit. YAY FREE WHORING
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