3113: Shoulder to the Plow

Apr 27, 2009 00:00

I had been 100% convinced that we would have been 100% moved by now, with only maybe a bit of cleaner and the vacuum left at the apartment, which could be picked up as C [who would have an easier time getting there to drop everything off] did the final rounds.

A valiant effort later, there is still so much of our dishes and such at the apartment not even boxed yet =p AND JURBURS X( in part because there was a HEAT WAVE that made the house completely stuffy, though downstairs is surprisingly pleasant. [This gets into some self-answering problems that I really shouldn't air, especially since I know the answer is largely that I don't want to act on the "solution"... maybe I'll explain when I don't feel entirely like shit.]

To point out how debilitating the heat was, I didn't even get on Rock Band all day, even after Thomas came and fixed the router + dropped off the drum sticks. Some of you know I got pretty possessed by RB2itis this past week, so... =/

["When the quest is over, begin anew"...? Something like that ¬_¬;]

I didn't get much new posted of late, compared to what is in the queue, but here's a highlight reel, I guess =p I'll post somethig meaningful blah blah blah time is sleeps o'clock =_=

movey, bother, sucks, photoy

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