Lieutenant Colonel Roy Mustang, yes... not a full Colonel, 'cause not an iPhone ^^; BUT.
...that is L riding the Kougra, yes =p 'cause, what else am I gonna do with him when stacking up prezzies? I didn't quite get the Orange JubJub/"hairball with eyes" stapled to it in the photo, I notice now, but you didn't want to see that anyway... I guess I should
do an Azrael* and marry Chars now, since he's demonstrated that he knows my favourite Neopet XD [well, of the released ones--still waiting on plushie Eyries!]*Az's Heart: New is fun, but it has no depth. New girls don't bother to remember who our favorite Decepticon is or spend months tending to us while we had a broken collarbone without ever complaining even once.
While itchier than expected, the Gryffindor scarf is the only item I actually asked for and really wanted--it's cold lately! T_T tho I do appreciate all received, yesh =3 [no, I did NOT ask for a touch, actually]
kiken can say what he got. I don't remember/feel like it. Also, easy PG win due to 1. three players: 2. none of whom were Jon. We didn't quite get Marc dragged in due to an unfortunate time zone difference [calling home before it was piss o'clock over there], but Sunday looks promising for that if an Ash visit doesn't fan out.
My brother *may* still come up--in fact, he said he'd bet on it--but the circumstances were a little different than advertised: There was an error in the listing, and he'd be getting a red [not black] car here, and for less of a super savings, but it's still preferable to the more expensive silver one in TN. It basically depends on whether the local dealer bends at all when he goes back tomorrow, he says. Also, they almost--ALMOST--foreclosed on my parents' house D= because the last payment was due when Grandma was ill, then dying, but he managed to get something arranged, so now it's completely paid off [I think--cheap phones talking to each other = crap connection].
That would be a real slap in the face, to get right up to the last payment only to have it foreclosed :/ THE LAST PAYMENT! What a year.