649: l

Oct 12, 2006 07:03

Once again I forgot the original planned post for tonight. That's okay, I prolly need fewer posts like that anyway, but I guess it means my post quality is going to suffer again since planned posts are usually more organized and thematically solid.

Someone who's played it let me know, though, what I should and should not tell Mum about in Animal Crossing DS [since it's apparently LOADS different from the GC version]... she kind of got mad at me when I didn't tell her the side effects of time changing by large intervals [over a day or two] :/

THE REASON I hate seeing the drying rack loaded full of plates and bowls and glasses but the dishwasher empty is it wastes more soap and water to wash by hand than to use the dishwasher--even an old one that isn't as energy-efficient as some of the newer models. The cheap-o bottle of detergent is already half-empty after... *looks* five days of being in this household, MARIA. [I really *ought* to buy the scent I like and specifically hide it for my use only, after all.]

I found out through Singer that Stinky apparently left a Dear John note, wishing everyone luck and saying it had been good working there. Fat Boy responded, "Stinky was the first person I had a problem with here!" [lolololWHATXD] The news is slightly expected, since I haven't seen Stinky in some time, but I have no idea where this alleged note is, even if I can verify his leaving by whether his name is in the Unscheduled section on the latest time sheets. It means one thing, though:


[I keed! I keed! ...though I really ought to scribble down what I can while I can--my imagination is pretty vivid, but I don't retain a lot of it if I don't have a record of SOME kind...]

Speaking of clichés, I might as well goink this [originally from barberio that I know of]:The Nine Cheesy Web Comic Plot Lines:

1. Your characters have a large meal, wherein one of them eats a surprising amount of food.
2. Your characters engage in a competitive sporting activity, are bad at it, and make many stupid mistakes during play.
3. Your character uses a lot of coffee to avoid sleeping.
4. You introduce characters from another web comic for the sole purpose of cross promotion.
5. You introduce your first female character, and they fall in love with a male character within a week.
6. Your characters clean the fridge and find something alive.
7. Your character has a short term period of induced mania, causing property damage and threat to life, but has no long term consequences.
8. Your character has to cope with a stupid customer in a work place situation.
9. Your characters break suspension of disbelief to point out they are in a comic.
I mostly agree with the list, but 8. in particular I don't see as so cheesy, because it happens on such regularity IN REAL LIFE--and with such variation--that it can't possibly ever become overdone as such. The fact that anyone can STILL relate to a Dilbert comic is evidence of this, and that even a tomboy like me reads Cathy and agrees with the point presented [no matter how many times it's been presented before] is evidence that it can't possibly get old when the problem still exists.

I added10 [or maybe 11, from the comments]. Your very first comic: "Boy, it would help if we had a plot!"
THIS IS NEVER FUNNY. All it does is point out that you have absolutely no idea what you're doing. I can't believe how many comics get started out of boredom or a bandwagon effect, rather than being based on actual ideas.

So speaking of not knowing what you're doing, I drew Ryuzaki [who that is specifically is a slight spoiler, if you don't already know--look it up if you don't care about that] because he was taunting me to draw him. I still seem to be having problems making humans [recognizeable as specific people] under roughly 1:2 scale, though, as my problems with Lt. Hawkeye were showing me. Sense tells me that blowing up the picture and going into detail in Photoshop or other would help me gain those missing details, but practice always seems to show otherwise.

I also have a second "human practice" picture I didn't finish, which I ought to do, but Monkey Man was prodding me. It's really not good practice, though, because every possible representative pose of him is the same monkey pose, to where I might as well have flat out copied it. [It also doesn't help that he wears these baggy-ass ragged hobo clothes.]

...on checking my links before settling on the above, I noticed that someone criticized Obata's rendition of an upcoming character in Death Note, making him [presumably pointlessly] hotter/more bishounen than need be. Do these kinds of people understand that there's an author behind his work, too, that the character is drawn that way under Ohba's directive? ...I mean, otherwise Ryuzaki wouldn't be this creepy sleep-deprived zombie monkey, right? XB

Chard saw my wallpaper with the live action and said, "Wow! He looks really Asian in that!" I said, "What?" and he responded, "...oh, that's Death Note." o_O "I thought that was Harry Potter! You said he had short hair now."

Speaking of HP, after catching up with this week's Parade, I was distressed to realize that Rupert ["Ron Weasley"] Grint had turned 18 this year... I think Chard is right--if they don't get on the ball, the kids will be thirty before the last movie's done X(

I bet it's cool being the world's most famous redhead though ^^ ...well, in that way that fame is cool, though I wouldn't want it myself.

Hmm, that chick flick he's in opens this week... ¬_¬


games, deathnote, thunk, complainy, arty, wastey, workcrap, hp

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