Unexpected Spark part 15

Sep 17, 2007 21:29


Banner By Becca :D

Name: Unexpected Spark
Subject: Chana
Characters owned by: LOST!
Summary: Charlie and Ana suffer the consequences of last night and recover Chana-style. =D

A low humming sound filled the atmosphere of the hatch as Ana-Lucia breathed softly. She stood peacefully. But her eyes were filled with confusion and worry. Suddenly the almost-silence was disturbed by the beeping of the hatch timer and Ana was jostled from her thoughts. She ran to the computer and typed in the code with ease. With that, she sat down and sighed taking in her surroundings when she started to remember something. Didn’t she and Charlie.....?

“Busy night?”

Ana jumped in surprise and swivelled in her chair to find none other then the cheeky Brit himself sitting on the side smirking. She looked around suspiciously catching her breath and asking, “What are you doing here?”

Charlie smiled and gazed in to her eyes like he was hypnotising her. Those eyes...she was glued to them and she didn’t need an answer anymore.

“I.....what happened last night?”

“Don’t you remember?” asked Charlie jumping down from his sitting place and nearing her, “Well, I am insulted.”

She stared at him. Something wasn’t quite right, “What?”

“You remember what happened really,” he said with that irresistible grin.

Ana stood facing him and felt as if the room was spinning. Only she and Charlie were standing perfectly still as the messy world around them fast forwarded in its busy shambles. And he was right. She did remember. She saw that night flash through her mind. She and Charlie. She could feel his lips on her neck and his arms around her body. She could remember it all. And she was shocked, “Charlie...I...You shouldn’t be here.”

“Why say that?” he neared her further, “You know how you feel about me. We both know.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Ana said strictly turning her face away. But he only appeared in front of her again. And soon enough the timer started beeping again madly. Confused she turned her attention to the computer. Charlie grabbed her arm,

“Leave it.” He told her pulling her closer, “You know it,” he added his eyes locked with hers as the room around them beeped loudly, “You’re hooked. On this relationship. On me. You love it. You love every second of it. You want me.”

“No!” she snapped pulling away, “I want the escape. I’m not in love with you!”

“Oh Ana. I never said that,” he winked at her and stepped back, Ana watching him carefully.

“You’re afraid,” he said, “And ashamed. There’s no need to be. You can do what you like, you know. I’m aware you’ve had trouble in the past what with Danny and-“

“How did you know about Danny?” she asked seriously.
Charlie only smiled mysteriously at her.
“Tell me!” she ordered.

“Ana, life is full of mysteries and secrets,” he smiled at her again as he sat back up where he was before and she held her breath, “Oh,” he said suddenly clicking his fingers in thought, “You might need these,” he tossed her something. She examined it. A box of aspirin? She looked up at him curiously and he grinned and winked one last time before the beeping became too much for her ears to take and she held her head closing her eyes suddenly feeling great pain.

When she opened them she was in the shower again, a towel wrapped around her keeping her warm. She wiped her eyes breathing heavily. A dream. That’s all it was. A meaningless dream. At least she hoped so. After another minute of realisation she remembered what she and Charlie had done. Part of it anyway. But before she had time to take anything else in her mind burned with pain and she regretted drinking so much the night before. She was disgusted and embarrassed. She didn’t want to think about what a fool she must have acted. She had slept with Charlie, what else had she done?! Who else had seen her like this?

Charlie slept peacefully on the hard, wet floor beside her. He was curled up in a ball, towels acting as a bed sheet. He silently breathed in and out as he dreamt. His dreams the only thing protecting him from the cold, terrible truth that awaited him. Ana almost envied him and his unconsciousness. But she knew he’d be mortified when he woke up. For her this should’ve been a good thing. She was right. She knew he would be back and here he was lying beside her. But right now she just felt terrible. Maybe it was the thundering hangover or her conscience telling her she was guilty-she couldn’t think straight but it had happened and neither of them could take that back.

Sleeping Charlie stirred. She bit her lip. Part of her couldn’t wait to see his reaction when he found out how he had fallen for her again and that she was right. But another part of her dreaded the misery and guilt he would be feeling. She didn’t want to watch him tear himself apart over something like this. But she also didn’t want to see him happy with Claire and her baby. She wasn’t 100% sure why. She was just sickened by Charlie’s behaviour towards them. And the baby reminded her of what could have been......was it possible she was jealous of Claire because of Aaron? Because of her life and the people in it?

Ana pulled a face, her mind was in such a muddle. She didn’t know what she was thinking-she wasn’t thinking properly. She was distracted by the throbbing in her head. She was about to stand and get dressed when.


Jack’s angry voice called through the hatch. Ana held her breath and Charlie awoke with a shock. She fell to her knees and slapped her hand over his mouth before he could say anything. He was alarmed, his eyes widened. And then he realised where he was. Ana pulled her hand away slowly.

“Ana? What..?” he stared at her and he knew the worst had happened.

She frowned and looked away from him.  He didn’t say anything else. He held his head in agony and pinched the skin in between his nose. Ana was expecting him to yell or freak out. But he was calmer then that. She guessed he was used to this by now.

“I....don’t believe it,” he said miserably looking at his surroundings, “I...I don’t even remember....I...Why...when...” His brain screamed for relief and he could only cast his mind back to the huge amounts of alcohol they had shoved down their throats not long ago. He sniffed and looked at his bare feet, “Oh no..”

“Yeah,” Ana muttered, “That’s pretty much how I feel.”

He took a minute clenching his teeth together and sulking before jumping up in frustration and demanding where his clothes were. Ana pointed to a messy pile of clothing behind him and he began sorting through it.

“That’s mine,” she said as he accidently picked up her underwear. He cringed slightly but covered it up with a glare aimed at her as he handed them to her. He was angry. It was to be expected. But it wasn’t Ana’s fault. Charlie was as much to blame as she was.

After they had changed with quite a speed Charlie looked at Ana seriously with an angry look. He hadn’t said much at all but she guessed he was busy thinking about what he was going to say next, “No one...no one has to know about this, ok? It was a mistake. We were drunk! Nobody ever has to find out. Who knows we even did anything!” he added hopefully.

“Oh, we did something,” Ana scorned. She remembered all too well. Charlie seemed to have trouble remembering all the details. And he didn’t want to either. Her reply angered him.

“Look, I’ve tired. I’ve tried too damn hard to mess this up now. I was sodding drunk! I....we didn’t know better. It’s best for everyone if we just keep quiet.”

“You mean it’d be best for you,” she accidently said aloud.

Charlie looked at her menacingly, “Do you really want Jack to find out about this? He’s already seen us wasted out of our minds!”

Ana’s mouth opened, “He did?? Really?” her face flushed red. Not Jack! He must think she was crazy now. Ana respected Jack and she had hoped he respected her. But now he probably looked down on her. Just great...

Charlie nodded, “I remember some stuff, you know.” He told her.

“Charlie?!”  Jack’s voice yelled. His tone was softer but was still filled with annoyance.

“Bloody hell! Jack’s here!” Charlie said alarmed,  “Does he know we’re in here?!”

“Shhh!” Ana hissed, “I certainly hope not,” she said in a hushed shout.

Charlie bit his nails and slowly opened the door a jar. He saw Jack checking under tables and beside furniture to see if he could spot any passed out figures anywhere. And then, sitting at the table holding a pack of ice to his face sat John Locke. Now Charlie realised why Jack must be so angry.

“I hit him! I sodding hit him! What the hell am I going to do?! I bloody well punched the git!”

Seeing Charlie jump around in a fit of panic was starting to make Ana nauseous, “Will you stop that! You hit who?!” she asked closing her eyes and feeling the strain of her sight pain her.

“Locke! Last night before we.....you know, I punched him! I couldn’t help it, he was taunting me, the bald lunatic!”
“Ohhhh. Probably not the best move,” Ana muttered rolling her eyes.

“What am I gonna do? He’s gonna sodding kill me! If he finds out what we did he’ll probably put it up on a notice board so everybody’ll know!” he cursed to himself.

“Well, we’ve gotta get out of here. You go first. I’ll wait a while so they don’t wonder what we were doing.” Ana suggested, “You’ve gotta face the music sometime.”

Charlie bit his lip, “Right.” He turned around. His head was still killing him and he was still guilt ridden about his night of passion with Ana in the shower room. He wasn’t in the mood to be shouted at. After a deep breath he slowly opened the door and shuffled out to face whatever was going to hit him next.

“Charlie, for the love of God!” snapped Jack on noticing Charlie’s appearance, “Where the hell have you been?”

“Erm....Not sure,” Charlie replied nervously.

“Do you know where I found Locke last night?” Jack added sounding angry, “On the floor out cold!”

Charlie glanced at the angry John Locke sitting from the table, glaring at him. His expression was hard to read but Charlie knew when Locke was angry with him, “Oh erm......really? Well...”

“He said you hit him!” Jack continued, voice loud and irritating.
Charlie winced at the volume of his voice, he closed his eyes biting the inside of the cheek as he stuttered with his answer,

“I uh....I..”

“And you just left him there!” His voice was becoming unbearable, “What the hell did you do last night, Charlie? Why did you hit him?”

Charlie scratched his neck not wanting to answer. He looked up at Jack’s expression anxiously but was surprised his face wasn’t as angry as his voice. Charlie considered the possibility Jack was almost glad he had punched Locke. Or perhaps he was jealous he hadn’t had the pleasure of taking a swing himself?
Jack stared at him awaiting an answer. What could he say? That he had punched the selfish git because he threatened to tell Claire about his sexual relationship with Ana-Lucia? That was certainly out of the question. He sucked in a deep breath and looked up at Jack weakly.

“I was really drunk, Jack. I don’t know what happened,” he lied shooting Locke a look. Jack stared at him and Charlie cleared his throat adding in a less than enthusiastic way, “I am so sorry John. I did not know what I was doing....”

Jack rolled his eyes, “I dread to think what you were doing last night, Charlie because while I was escorting Sun and Jin back to the beach to make sure she was alright and settled YOU and Ana-Lucia were down here making fools of yourselves!” he yelled.

“Jack,” Charlie winced rubbing the temples of his head, “Please could you not shout right now.”

Jack sighed, “Where’s Ana?”

“Ana?” asked Charlie defensively, “I don’t know..why..why whould I know where Ana is...?”
Jack looked at him strangely.
“I’m here,” Ana arrived just in time and timidly made her way over. She didn’t usually act very gentle but right now she didn’t have much strength in her to act her usual self.

“I hope you’re both happy with yourselves. The hatch is a disaster area, John’s nose is a mess and both of you are going to have to stay down here drinking plenty of strong coffee and swallowing aspirins until you recover from your damn hangovers!”

Ana and Charlie winced at his voice but looked down with guilt, “We’re sorry, mate,” Charlie apologised, “We weren’t thinking.”

“You’re damn right you weren’t” Jack snapped, “You two are cleaning this place up. I have to go to the beach to check on Sun. Seeing as I can’t trust you two yet John’s gonna keep an eye on you both.”

Charlie’s eyes widened, “Hey, is that necessary? We’re not children!”

“You seemed to be acting pretty childish last night,” Jack said with annoyance, “Listen to John, do what he says and do me a favour will you? Next time you’re gonna do something stupid like this: Don’t.”

After his little speech Jack was off in an instant. And Charlie and Ana were left staring blankly at John Locke who was still holding cold ice to his face. He pulled the ice away for a second, “You heard the man.” He said coldly, “Get cleaning.”

Charlie and Ana exchanged looks and got to work.

“This is all your fault,” complained Charlie as he collected broken pieces of bottle from the floor.

“Oh really? How’d you figure?” Ana replied less than impressed with his accusation.

“It’s you. It’s all you. I’m never like this with Claire. I’m different with Claire, I was...good with Claire.”

“Well, you screwed things up and here you are,” Ana said tidying up some books, a hint of anger in her voice, “If you wanna live in your little bubble with Little Miss Mom then fine. But you and I happened for a reason, you know.  It’s because you weren’t happy. How are things any different?”

“She wants me back! I know she does. I can be there for her. She wants me to look after her!” argued Charlie dropping his bin bag to the floor, “And Aaron!”

Ana scorned “Yeah, right. Because you’re her protector, yeah? Don’t make me vomit.”

“Hey, you’ve NEVER had what me and Claire have. We’re....we’re happy together!”

“Oh really? Do you think you’d be down here cleaning up broken bottles with a killer hangover if you were?!” demanded Ana with a scowl, “Get over it.”

Charlie glared at her. This wasn’t the first argument they had had. He had actually lost count of how many times they had hurt each other with their words. But what bothered him was that she was right. He and Claire were unhappy, their relationship was a mess. And it was all his fault.
“I need some aspirin,” Charlie muttered coldly leaving her sight and escaping to get something for his headache.

He opened the cupboard and searched through the medicine Jack had stored here. His head was thundering, thoughts and pain swirling around in his head. Ana was right. He was wrong. He didn’t want to be. He wanted things to be like they were before. But he was caught up in all of this and he couldn’t take any of it back. He hated Ana and somehow he had managed to channel all that hate and anger in to something passionate. He was confused and tired of it all, so tired. He gave up looking for the aspirin and slammed his fist against the cupboard, kicking the wall too in a fit of anger.
He swallowed the upset filling up in his chest and choked away the tears forcing their way through his eyes. This wasn’t fair. It was all wrong. Things weren’t supposed to be this way. This wasn’t how he was supposed to act.  Not anymore. He had changed. He had changed for the better!

He took a deep breath, sniffing to himself as he turned around and he saw John Locke eyeing him, that puzzling expression still across his face. Charlie straightened himself out and stared at the other man almost fearfully. Locke’s nose and cheek were red and sore. Charlie remembered why he had punched him. If he had to he would beg him not to tell Claire. But he couldn’t open his mouth to speak. He didn’t want to beg John Locke, he didn’t want to communicate with him at all. So they just stared at each other until Locke opened his mouth to speak,

“I think you need some coffee,” was all he said before he took off towards the kitchen area.
Charlie looked at him strangely. That was it? Not that he wasn’t relieved. He was suspicious that perhaps John was thinking up some master plan to humiliate him further. He dreaded the thought but followed the man in to the kitchen anyway.

Ana finished binning the remainder of the bottles and sighed to herself, perching on the side of the armchair. Maybe ‘Dream Charlie’ had some meaning in his words. She did love this relationship. But it hurt her too. Charlie didn’t want it. He was resistant. It was complicated. She had already thought this through. The whole thing was so exciting and fun but the consequences afterwards seemed to be the complete opposite.
She thought about the guy she had just snapped at. It was good to tell him the truth. Perhaps not to brutally but he had to know and stop fooling himself. They didn’t live in a fairytale. Charlie was no knight in shining armour and Claire was not his princess. Reality is alot less glamorous. He was a washed up ex-junkie rockstar and she was a knocked up weakling who got dumped by the father of her baby.

So what did that make Ana? She didn’t want to think about. She was in enough turmoil and her brain was tormenting her enough without these thoughts.

The day had passed quickly. As Ana was placing the bin bag to the side she spotted Charlie sitting at the table cradling a warm cup of coffee in his hand and holding his warmer head upright with his elbow. She studied him. What a mess he looked. Red rings around his eyes, skin pale, hair messy. She figured he was right this time. They had been drunk. It was even more meaningless then usual. And nobody needed to know.

Without a word she made her way over, pouring herself some coffee and she sat down beside him, “Where’s Locke?”

He didn’t look up. Nor did he move an inch of his body, “Talking to that Henry guy.”

She let out a small laugh, “God, is he still here? I completely forgot about him. Which is unlike me..,” she put it down to stress. It wasn’t like her to forget about One Of Them being locked in their own hatch. The thought even worried her. Was she fading from importance around here? Was she becoming like Charlie? Not included in anything? “Imagine if we had let him out or something last night not thinking properly,” she stressed sipping the coffee. Now that thought worried her.

Charlie still didn’t say a word. It reminded her of when they had been locked in the armoury room and he had not said a word until she discovered escape.
“Charlie?” she said, “Look, I didn’t mean for you to react like this. But I’m not gonna sugar coat the truth.”

Charlie sniggered slightly sipping at his coffee as if she had said something humorous.

“It doesn’t look like Locke knows?” she suggested hopefully.

“He knows,” Charlie said hatefully, “He hasn’t said anything but he knows,” he seemed to lean further over the counter until his head was resting in his arms, “It’s all over.”

Ana didn’t know what to say. There wasn’t much to say at all. She knew Charlie couldn’t very well carry on if this was going to be his attitude, “You’re gonna get sick if you keep thinking like that.”

“Then I’ll get sick,” he mumbled, “I deserve it.”

Ana sighed, “I’m gonna get sick if you keep putting on you’re sad, wounded puppy look all the time.”

“As I said, you don’t understand. You’ve never had a relationship like I have with Claire.” He said coldly managing a glare at her.

She clenched her teeth impatiently, “You don’t know me. Don’t act like you do.”

“I know you,” he scorned, “You’re Ana-Lucia. You’re rude, selfish and unkind and you have no idea what it’s like to be me.”

She stood up angrily, “Shut up!” she yelled wincing at her own voice, “YOU’RE the one who doesn’t understand! YOU’RE the one who has no idea!” she shot him an angry look and stormed off.

She had escaped to the armoury room, crouching behind a piece of wood and hugging her knees to her chest sadly alone in the dark. She hadn’t been crying. She was just angry and upset. Charlie had no right to say those things to her. He had no right at all. He was just a sad, pathetic little man and she could do alot better then him. She could do alot better than him AND Sawyer.

If only she could find the right man....If he existed at all she couldn’t find him. She wouldn’t be able to here anyway. So she had settled for what she could. That’s what she told herself anyway.

A figure entered the room. Charlie again. She faced away from him. He didn’t say a word. Just sat down next to her in silence. After a couple of minutes she managed to speak up,

“I...I said to Sayid...people don’t like me very much,” she began. Charlie looked at her curiously, “So..when I met Danny I was happy. Guy like that comes along once in a blue moon. He liked me for me,” She swallowed back the emotion, “And when I found out I was pregnant...he was so happy,” she managed a small smile as she pictured Danny’s excited face, “But....I got shot...and I lost the baby. And...I don’t know..Something happened to me....I went to therapy and...” she trailed off and leant against her knees, “He left me.”

Charlie felt terrible. He watched her sad expression and felt the guilt overtake him. Now he was guilty he wasn’t showing Ana the affection she needed.

She sniffed, recovering from her moment of weakness and she was back to angry Ana with that sharp glare and tough exterior, “What I’m saying is...I had what you had. That relationship...I had that. But not anymore,” they locked eyes, “I understand you more than anyone else. Don’t you see?”

There was only silence. Charlie was overcome with this wave of emotion. He felt sorry for Ana-Lucia and right now wanted more than anything to shower her with the attention and fondness she had once had. He was sucked in to her like they were stuck in a moment they couldn’t break free of. He neared her wanting to say so many things. He kneeled beside her wanting to apologise for everything that had happened to her. And that she was right. She must understand him more than anyone else. More than Claire, more than his brother, more than anyone else in this world. And it didn’t matter anymore what they had done because she was upset and he wanted to comfort her. But he had no idea what to say. Many things came to mind but he couldn’t say them out loud. Instead his face neared hers, their cheeks brushing in an almost-kiss. But instead he rested his head on her shoulder the cons of this very situation flowing through his aching head. He pulled back locking eyes with her again. How could something this familiar be so hard to do? It’s because he knew it was wrong. But at the same time he didn’t give a toss. All he wanted to do take back what he had said. Ana-Lucia may be rude but she certainly wasn’t selfish or unkind. She dedicated her life to helping people and people didn’t appreciate that. And Charlie could understand that more than anyone. At that moment he realised they could relate to each other and understand each other more than they first thought.

She stared at him, her big, dark eyes awaiting his actions. Actions that he wasn’t sure he should give.  His lips slowly neared hers again. Should he? Shouldn’t he? He watched her eyes, she needed it, he needed it. Watching her made him want to do something he knew was wrong. But he couldn’t help it. He was only human. And so was she. Their faces touched and he could feel the warmth of her skin against his. He shouldn’t. But at the moment he wanted to more than anything. He closed his eyes and advanced on her lips, kissing her gently, saying sorry to her the best way he knew how and giving in to temptation. She kissed him back, closing her eyes and leaning back as he pushed her head back slightly as he kissed her. After a few moments he rested his forehead against hers, his eyes still closed. Hers flickered open. She didn’t plan to say anything. But Charlie spoke for her, his head still gently pressed against hers and he didn’t look in to her eyes again until he had finished what he had to say, “I’m sorry,” he whispered so quietly she could hardly hear, “I just...I don’t know what to do...”  He looked at her and kissed her again, speaking in between kisses as he poured his heart out to her; the only person who would listen, “I can’t...I just can’t.”

Ana listened to him and kissed him gently, “I know.”

“I’m...I’m scared,” he told her and she noticed he was starting to tremble, “And I can’t...I can’t admit that to Claire. I’m not supposed to be scared...I’m...I’m supposed to be..”

“The protector,” Ana finished for him remembering their earlier conversation.

He didn’t say anything but Ana knew he was silently saying ‘Yes’. He rested his face against hers like they were absorbed in to each other, “I’m so helpless....I’m scared of what Locke will do. I’m scared of what Claire will say. I’m scared of what might happen. I’m scared. I’m scared and I don’t know what to do. I’m pathetic,” he shook his head tiredly.

Now Ana was the one who wanted to show him the affection he needed. To calm him down and restrain his worries. She brushed his cheek with her thumb and kissed him again softly and pulling away she looked in to his troubled eyes, “I know,” she said quietly.

They didn’t notice a figure standing at the door way. He turned on the light. John Locke stood.  They both turned to stare at him but didn’t bother jumping away and making up excuses. It was over, there was no point. The pink around his nose was healing and the puzzling expression was suddenly replaced in to a face Ana and Charlie could both read well, “Night,” Locke said smugly leaving the two together in the dark.

Charlie’s head dropped. There was no point in pleading anymore. There was no point in begging and hoping. It was over. And all he had now was Ana and this meaningless affair. He faced her, his eyes glinting pain. She was watching him with uncertainty wondering what he would do next. But he didn’t run off after Locke and yell or plead. He didn’t plunge in to a world of self loathing and bitterness. Instead he just sat there quietly. No one needed to talk. So he sat in silence with the only person that would let him.

No one else was going to love him now anyway.


Missed the other chapters? Head over to http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3556644/1/Unexpected_Spark =D
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