Unexpected Spark Part Five

May 11, 2007 20:04

Name: Unexpected Spark Part Five
Subject: Chana
Characters owned by: LOST

Another few hours of trekking, looking, searching and arguing with each other Ana and Charlie began to grow tired. Sayid walked ahead, angry about the couple's behaviour and determined to find Sun for himself. Charlie pulled Ana behind and she stared at him.
"What are you doing?" she pulled her arm away quickly.
"Look, what is this?"
"What is what?"
"We argue all the time. We don't like each other!"
"Well done genius," she rolled her eyes.
"Then what are we? Because we definately aren't friends."
She paused and thought to herself, "We're strangers, Charlie. That's what we are," she looked at him, "Maybe we better keep it that way," she sighed and turned around without another word.
Charlie stared at the back of her and watched her as she put her hair up again. He frowned and sighed before following the group again.

"Sayid!" Ana called. She caught up with him, "There hasn't been any trail at all."
Sayid looked down and frowned, "I know," he looked back up, "Perhaps...perhaps we better go back."
Charlie caught up with them, "Without Sun?"
"Without Sun," Sayid repeated.
The three paused a moment, "I agree," Ana replied, "We're not gonna find anything. Perhaps we should go back. Wait until we have a  better lead."
Charlie was hesitant but tired. He didn't say anything. He wouldn't have a word in anyway. Nobody would listen to him.
"Ok," Sayid started, "We should rest up for a while and go home in the morning."
Ana nodded, "Ok then." she wiped the sweat from her face and sighed as she walked under a tree for shade.
Charlie looked over at Sayid, "Do you think we'll ever find her?" he asked.
Sayid took a minute before answering, "She will come back. I'll make sure of that."
Charlie watched as Sayid wandered over to Ana-Lucia. He hoped Sun was alright.

The Next Morning

Ana lay on her blankets, eyes wide and large as she stared and thought to herself. Birds chirped, the fresh air entered her lungs.
"Didn't you sleep?" said a voice. She looked up and saw Charlie sit opposite her with some fruit.
She sat up and wiped her eyes, "No. Not really."
"Aw...well..I brought you some breakfast," he handed her some of the fruit and smiled cautiously.
She managed a small smile but was confused, "Thanks....why'd you get me breakfast?"
"Oh, I was up early. I've given Sayid his."
"Where is he?" Ana looked around, mouth full.
"He's looking at his map," he rolled his eyes, "He really loves that map."
She shook her head and smiled sarcastically, "You think you're so funny."
"I think I'm funny?" Charlie asked with a smirk. He thought he was funny.
She laughed and stood up, "Come on. Today-we're going home."
"Oh so you call it home now," Charlie stated following her on her way up.
She didn't reply, she walked over to Sayid, "So where we going chief?"
He looked up at her unimpressed, then pointed to a direction and said, "That way. We'll be going that way."
She nodded, "Great. Well...I'm fed...I'm ready."
Sayid nodded back, "Let's get on then."
Charlie finished his fruit, munching on it as he followed the others back home.

Suddenly he felt what he thought was some kind of shake, "Erm....guys?" he called, "Did you feel that?"
Ana turned around while walking, "Feel what?"
"That small quake," he answered,
"No," Sayid replied.
They looked around. Then there was another small shake of the ground.
"Now that I felt," Ana stated confused.
Charlie glanced at them, "Doesn't that usually mean danger....."
Sayid looked at him, "In this case? I suppose.......yes...."

Then they heard the monster's high pitched noise and crashing sounds echo through the jungle. Their hearts pounded. They swerved around. Where was it coming from?
"RUN!" Sayid yelled. And the three ran in to different directions. Ana in one, Sayid in another, and Charlie towards another.

Sayid sprinted as fast as he could towards the jungle as the ground shook and the noises became louder, he ran through plants and jumped over small obstacles.

Charlie ran down the other side of the hill jumping over rocks and stubs of plants breathing heavily as he ran.

Ana ran across the field but as the ground shook she tripped and rolled down the hill being sent in to the jungle and she bashed her head against a rock and was left rendered unconscious.

Charlie, as soon as he thought himself to be safe, leant limply against a tree breathing in and out at a fast pace, sweat dotting quickly. He didn't even have time to think where Ana and Sayid were. The monster noises seemed to die away and he sighed in relief before realising that Ana and Sayid were still out there. He made his way, still trying to catch his breath, back across the field.

He panicked when he saw her on the ground unconscious, head bleeding and body weak. He ran and knelt next to her, holding her head before looking up with anxiety, "SAYID?! SAYID?!"
No answer. He felt his heart beat faster. What should he do? "Ana? Ana, can you hear me?"

He picked her up still calling Sayid's name. He needed Sayid here to tell him what to do.
It was like music to his ears. Sayid emerged from the jungle as a light rain began to fall. He looked a little messy-to be expected.
"Sayid, thank God!" Charlie sighed brining Ana over to him, he rested her on a flat rock, "I found her unconscious."
"Do you know what happened?" he asked Charlie taking a look at Ana.
"I think she bumped her head," Charlie answered indicating to the blood on Ana's head and covering her dark hair.
Sayid thought for a minute as the rain started to pour. He looked up to the sky then swallowed, "We need to get back."
Charlie looked at him, "How? You want me to carry her?"
Sayid nodded.
"All that way back?!" he asked with annoyance.
"Would you rather we leave her here? To maybe end up like Sun?!"
Chastisised, Charlie shook his head, "No." That would be terrible.
"Let's go." Sayid said sharply. 
Charlie sighed and picked Ana up, her hair had been let down again somehow and it flowed over his arm. He looked down at her and made his way back to camp with Sayid.

Back At Camp
Sayid and Charlie, with Ana still lying limply in his arms, made their way back to the hatch where she was layed down in the bed.
"What happened?" asked Locke coming out of the armour room.
"She fell and banged her head," Charlie answered, soaked from the rain which had finally ceased, he pulled the covers over Ana to keep her warm and didn't take her eyes off her.
"Do you want me to get Jack?" Locke asked.
Sayid patted Charlie on the shoulder before looking up at John and answering, "No. I'll get Jack." 
"Ok then." Locke replied disappearing again with a glare aimed at Charlie.
Charlie watched Ana as she slept. He couldn't help worrying. A wave of relief hit him as she wakened.
"Where am I?" she asked weakly. She winced and cluched her head.
"You're back 'home'," he answered remembering their previous conversation they had about here being 'home'. 
She managed a weak smile, "So we didn't find Sun."
"No...we didn't," he replied sadly, "There's always tomorrow."
She laughed, "Yeah, to go on another crazy adventure."
Charlie chuckled.

There was a noise and Jack entered the hatch alone, "Is she ok?"
"She's awake," Charlie told Jack.
"She is right here," Ana rolled her eyes, "I'm fine. Just slightly dazed."
"Let me take a look at you anyway," Jack said checking her over. He shined a light in her eyes, "Follow the light," he said. She did as instucted.
Charlie observed quietly.
"You're fine," Jack smiled, "You've just got to recover."
"See, I told you," she smiled.
Jack smiled back and stepped back looking at Charlie, suprised he was the one by Ana's bed side, "Where's Locke?"
"I dunno," Charlie answered, "He was here."
Jack nodded, "Ok. I better hang around for a while. I'll be in the other room if you need me."
They nodded and Charlie turned back to Ana and they smiled at each other.
"Glad you're ok," Charlie said truthfully.
"Really?" she asked sarcastically.
"Yeah," he replied suprised by her reply.
"I thought you'd be with Claire....or is she still being cold with you?"
He stared at her, "Oh...no...we're fine now. Well, not fine....ok after everything..." he lied. He wanted to make her jealous. He remembered the smoke monster attack and wondered if Claire had heard it. Maybe the camp had been shaken by it. Maybe she was still recovering from the shock. Charlie had to go see if she was ok. Even if she wasn't talking to him, "Er...that reminds me. I should go see her. See if she's alright and everything."
She frowned, "Oh alright...guess I'll just hang out with Jack," she smiled sickly.
"Yeah...afterall you met him before the crash...and we're just...strangers," he retorted before disappearing and leaving the hatch. 
She frowned and left alone, she sighed.

Charlie approached the beach and, the weather now sunny, he saw her sitting on a blanket with Aaron. Rocking him on the beach, smiling, happy. He smiled at the sight of her. She was so sweet and innocent. All he needed, the opposite to him, to reddem himself. But Ana-Ana was more like him. She was different to Claire.
He began to approach her, "Claire," he said softly.
She pulled a face and hugged the baby closer, "What do you want, Charlie?"
"I came to see if you were ok. The monster was back..."
She looked at him, "I didn't hear anything," she stated with a frown before turning back to look at the ocean.
"Won't you please just......talk to me like we're friends again?"
"We're not friends, Charlie," she said coldly, "As you know...we were never friends."
He stared at her. Locke interupted them, "What's going on?" He shot a look at Charlie. Charlie glared at him.
"Nothing." Why did Locke always have to butt in where he wasn't wanted?
"Doesn't look like nothing."
Claire stood next to Locke cradling the baby and she looked at Charlie, "Charlie-please. Just go. I need some space."
"Space....right. You need space," he glared at Locke, "On an island this big, I'll give you space," he said sarcasically still glaring at Locke before turning.

He then watched them from a distance. Locke was talking to Claire. She seemed upset. How dare Locke comfort her. How could Charlie of made her upset? He didn't mean to. He just wanted to see if she was ok.
Then he took Aaron in his own arms and said something...she laughed. What did he say? Why was he suddenly Claire's best friend...Aaron's father figure?
He shuddered and glared hatefully. This wasn't fair. And suddenly he knew what he wanted. Even if it wasn't his first choice.

He walked. Through the jungle without stopping. He passed Jack, "Is Ana still in the hatch?" he asked him.
He nodded, "Yeah.."
"Thanks," Charlie replied walking on towards the hatch, a serious expression accross his face as Jack called after him confused.

Ana sighed sadly. Jack had left. And now she was alone. Maybe she should have another chat with the prisoner guy...and wait for him to try and kill her again. Maybe she would just let him this time. She closed her eyes and held back the tears as she leaned over the counter pushing back her curls.

Then unexpectedly Charlie burst in to the hatch with a very serious look. What had happened? She was about to say something but Charlie waltzed right up to her, held her cheeks and kissed her passionately. Much to her suprise she kissed him back, closing her eyes and the pace quickened as he pulled her string top over her head revealing her black lace bra. She smiled as they kissed and put her arms around his waist to undo his belt. They continued kissing and slowly undressing as they made their way to the armour room which was open. Ana pushed him inside, Charlie slipped off his vans and they made out against the wall. Slowly reaching the floor and they lay kissing and holding each other knowing what was going to happen next...................
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