If there are any Highlander fans on my flist (or heck, anyone with even a slight familiarity with it), I could really use some company! :(
I've been working my way through the series from the beginning and just finished watching season 5. What timing I have! Just when I thought I had seen the most depressing season finale ever with last week's LOST
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Comments 23
Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit but it's just so depressing when creators kill the sidekick. They obviously cannot kill the hero so next in like is the best friend/sidekick/underdog in order to give the hero even more angst. And poor us that loved the sidekick more than the hero...
You know, I didn't enjoy 24 very much this season and I think it's because there wasn't a 'sidekick' character that would bring humor and humanity to the plot. Sidekicks are essentials - you kill them and your killing the heart of your story.
Have you seen the movie Sky High with Kurt Russell? It's funny, sweet, and very sidekick-friendly. I loved it.
And it's not even so much that they die, but because it usually seems to be like what you said -- to give the hero more angst. Or to put the audience on edge. "Increase the tension." (Did you listen to the writers' commentary for LotR? Every story change they made was to "increase the tension." I can't even read the word "tension" anymore without hearing it spoken with a New Zealand accent in my head. But I digress...) It's emotionally manipulative is what it is.
The sidekick dies in one of my very favorite books, and it was sad, but didn't make me angry because it was impossible for it to go any other way. It had to happen... I kind of hoped it wouldn't, but I could accept when it did because that's what the story was about. It wasn't just done to add some punch or to make you think that "anyone can die". :p
On a side note, the same author wrote another book where she killed the ( ... )
You know its funny but I think I could take the death of Harry Potter better than I could Ron dying! I think Harry would go out like Charlie...saving the world and I could take that. Ron...I don't think so.
I'm getting paranoid! :P
If they had gone with a show based on the Watchers, for instance, and maybe Joe-centric. Joe could talk about watching Duncan and kept him in canon, while at the same time focusing on other immortals that Watchers under Joe were watching. And Methos could even pop in from time to time. Hell, Adrian may not have even minded coming in for a one-off. But - nooooo. They wanted an immortal with tits for those boys who *weren't* watching the show.
Oh yeah - Richie bugged the piss out of me. *g*
So who was their audience? I only know a few people who watched it, and they were mostly women. I watched it sporadically when it was on TV and I was in my 20's, and I think I stopped when I kept tuning in and not seeing anybody I recognized. I liked Joe, but I don't think I would have watched a show based around the Watchers at the time -- it was pretty much all about Duncan for me back then -- but I'd love something like that now.
Richie is actually in "To Be" and "Not To Be". And Joe and Methos carry "Indiscretions" from season 6. I liked Amanda but her appeal was in her relationship and how she played off of Duncan. I think Methos is better with Duncan too.
I can see where it would be the same with Methos. He seems to have been written expressly to be the anti-Duncan and you'd need the man of principle there to balance him. I love Methos with Joe though; I'm looking forward to seeing "Indiscretions". It helps to know ahead of time that Duncan's not in it so I won't be watching for him. I still like Duncan best.
You really need to watch Buffy next, though I'm not promising it will spare you from pain. You know that Joss doesn't shy away from killing off major characters.
I should start Buffy at the beginning... I've only watched bits and pieces of it before. I already know that Joss does, in fact, kill my favorite character. Spike. But he doesn't die until the very last episode and he sacrifices himself to save the world, so not a bad way to go. :)
yeah, i think i might not ever EVER read the books or watch the movies if JK Rowling kills off any of the main or cool characters (as she seems apt to like doing)
This next book could make or break the whole series -- I sure hope she can pull it off! I'd be a nervous wreck right now if I were her, waiting to see how it goes over. :P
I watched the first three episodes last night, and they were okay. I'm not crazy about meditating, peaceful, centered Duncan. He seems disconnected, kind of flat and bland. Pick up the sword, man! I'm also deeply mourning the loss of the ponytail. His haircut is very distracting. :P
But so far it's not so depressing as to color the whole series for me, which I was a little worried about. Maybe it'll help that my expectations are low.
Is it unreasonable of me to hope that all the main HP characters come out of Deathly Hallows alive? ;) I'm convinced Snape is going to die, which would make me sad, but I could live with it. I might be a little bitter about either Ron OR Harry though.
an Hero's sacrifice is always a great plot ( ... )
The Joe and Methos ep was great, and I really liked the two part finale too, although the ending felt sad. Poor Duncan.
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