I'm around

Oct 01, 2015 22:20

Hey. I'm here. Kind of.  This deadline is kicking my ass. I made a deal with the devil  that I would have my project done by the end of next week. I do not see that happening. I'll be lucky to have it done the week after that. And that's without doing anything fancy.

Um, yeah. This is why I'm not posting anything any more. I just have nothing to ( Read more... )


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Comments 2

aome October 2 2015, 04:11:25 UTC
Would love to hear how the start of the school year has gone, if you feel like talking about it.

I still haven't seen the second half of S1 of Outlander, but - do you know if/when S2 will roll around?


thalialunacy October 4 2015, 14:34:57 UTC
good luck, friend! :D


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