Oh things

Mar 31, 2015 21:33

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dragons, quilting, merlin, update

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Comments 7

dunderklumpen April 1 2015, 04:04:57 UTC
Ah, beadwork... looks stunning when it's done but is so much freakin work!

I don't know... it feels like I can focus my creativity only on one project at a time (which I think is totally stupid). But when I sew I'm all out of energy for writing. And when I write I can't for the life of me come up with some decent work for a podfic. It's really annoying!

In other words... I should work on a podfic but I'm totally out of energy. Not to mention that I'm a bit under the weather the last couple of days. I'm glad we have eastern this weekend so I can try to relax a little. And now I'm shutting up. This shouldn't have been a comment about me whining. *rollseyes*


jelazakazone April 1 2015, 04:09:44 UTC
SO MUCH FREAKING WORK. I am glad I brought it with me where I'm trapped and doing nothing else.

No, I can totally understand that, but I get trapped feeling and I need to blow off steam and that's what podficcing does for me. Can't really write any more.

<3 <3 <3 Is it early or late for you? I have no idea what time it is there.


dunderklumpen April 1 2015, 05:20:31 UTC
It's 7 in the morning. I'm just preparing a lesson which I have in an hour. Fortunately for me I have it here at my appartment. It's one of my students who usually comes by to her way to work for an hour of swedish before she starts her actual work. That's why I'm awake.


jelazakazone April 1 2015, 15:38:51 UTC
Ah, very nice!


lillibet April 1 2015, 12:38:04 UTC
The beading looks beautiful!


jelazakazone April 1 2015, 15:38:23 UTC
Thank you! I'm sorry the picture isn't better. :D I'm happy that it's finally close to done. The end is in sight!


archaeologist_d April 2 2015, 20:59:08 UTC
Very pretty. I'm not quilting much at all. Don't feel it at the moment. :(


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