2 things

Mar 29, 2015 18:39

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Comments 8

archaeologist_d March 30 2015, 00:55:33 UTC
I thought Kingsman had a lot going for it. Colin Firth, Mark Hamill! But the violence, the exploding heads made me want to vomit so I couldn't recommend it.


jelazakazone March 30 2015, 03:19:29 UTC
Kingsman was very interesting on so many levels. The violence was a bit much, but there was enough other really amazing stuff that I could kind of look the other way.

I think I'm going to do a spoilery post about it now. Feel free to ignore it.


thalialunacy March 30 2015, 04:21:36 UTC
I have a giddy but non-fandomy love for this movie (eg i shipped absolutely no one; didn't even ~occur to me until someone said something on Twitter later). My only deep thoughts are pretty mundane and/or offensive. BUT SINCE YOU ASKED! :P

1) I was ready to watch from the moment i saw the preview because any actiony movie where the good guys are British and the bad guy is American is flipping the archetype on its head and ABOUT DAMN TIME. (Bond notwithstanding because to be frank I have seen 2 (two) Bond movies in my life and I vary from very offended to just not super interested in anything besides Judi Dench. I just mean every other action movie ever made ( ... )


jelazakazone March 30 2015, 04:26:38 UTC
OMG this is brilliant and I can't really disagree with anything you've written (I did actually make a new post with my few scattered thoughts).

I normally do not come out shipping anyone either (or I need to rewrite the canon, in which case there is no one for me to commiserate with), but something about Eggsy and Merlin at the end there....

f-bombs are a delight to me.

That church scene was also pretty trope defying.

I liked that there was not a whole lot of sexualizing going on (and you are so right, that one scene was vomit inducing. Like WTH, they got it so right and then had that BS in there? And it wasn't subtle at all. Ugh. Plus, not Eggsy/Merlin, so....)

Did I miss anything? I'm pretty tired and my eyes are now irritated with the lack of moisture here a mile above sea level.


thalialunacy April 1 2015, 14:21:06 UTC
ooo were you in denver? i realize i honestly haven't the foggiest idea of where you're from!


jelazakazone April 1 2015, 15:37:06 UTC
Still here in Denver. Leaving early Friday morning. I live outside DC. :D


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