Abandoned works swap?

Jul 31, 2014 15:59

Anyone want to do a sort of collaborative swap with me? You fix up my wretched fic and I'll fix yours? I have a couple that have been languishing for a long time that I think have an interesting enough story, but I am just too blocked to fix them. *bats eyelashes* One is a Mordred/Arthur/Merlin wing!fic which got posted to camelot drabble in parts ( Read more... )

fanfic, help!

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Comments 7

archaeologist_d July 31 2014, 21:50:17 UTC
We have been getting hummingbirds all summer. It's awesome.


jelazakazone July 31 2014, 21:52:41 UTC
Maybe we have been too, but I haven't been home. You have great flowers that attract the hummers though, don't you?


archaeologist_d August 1 2014, 01:14:17 UTC
We do have a lot of flowers that they like. Plus we have 2 hummingbird feeders.


aome August 1 2014, 02:24:17 UTC
I'm not any help with your swap idea because I'm not in the Merlin fandom, but I think it's a SUPER idea. You should have more people promote this, with a few sentences about what their fic is about/what fandom, and hand it over to the first person to claim it. People can claim only one at a time, but can come back for more later. Or something. I bet tons of writers have fics they'd love to see finished, even if it's not finished by THEM.


jelazakazone August 2 2014, 19:17:46 UTC
<3 Please feel free to spread it around! I'm glad some people like the idea:D :D


amphigoury August 1 2014, 04:53:32 UTC
HOLY SHIT! THIS IS AN AMAZING IDEA! I might have to prompt this for art too! THANKS!


jelazakazone August 2 2014, 19:16:34 UTC
<3 <3 <3 Run with it! If fandom isn't here to help us get more fanworks out, what is fandom for? :D :D Thank you!


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