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Comments 24

riventhorn June 15 2014, 18:09:09 UTC
So glad you had such a great time! Alex sounds like such a lovely person, always polite and kind to fans.


jelazakazone June 16 2014, 13:02:57 UTC
Thanks! He really does seem to always be so great to the fans. Did you see the photo of him with Ben Stiller and a bunch of the rest of the cast? That was very sweet. He posted it on Twitter.


alba17 June 16 2014, 12:19:42 UTC
Thanks for sharing your experience. So awesome!


jelazakazone June 16 2014, 13:03:25 UTC
You bet. It's been great to prolong the squee with other fans! It would have been awesome to have been able to see it with you. Next time! :D


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jelazakazone June 16 2014, 17:03:43 UTC
It really was. The whole weekend was fabulous (except the part where I was unable to sleep in and the other part where I got on the wrong metro train and added an hour to my trip home :()

Alex Kingston was fucking amazing. Probably the best actor in the company by a long shot. I have decided Macbeth is a shitty play and mostly the boringness of it is not the actors faults.

But the atmosphere was great and I only wish I'd been closer to the action.

Kingston did not come out for autographs. I think she'd have been mobbed. LOL.

Thanks! <3


dunderklumpen June 17 2014, 13:13:06 UTC
Lucky you! Sounds like you had fun:)
I saw a bunch of pictures from the set/theatre and it looked great. I've never seen something like that and can imagine that it must have been a spectacular sight. Especially with this play.


jelazakazone June 17 2014, 13:15:29 UTC
<3 Thanks, it was really really great.

And yes, the experience was top notch. I'd never been immersed in a set like that. I only wish I'd spent more to be closer to the action!


dunderklumpen June 17 2014, 13:30:46 UTC
But I bet that most of the people who spent more money didn't meet Vlahos in person. So you got definitely the better part of it:)


jelazakazone June 17 2014, 13:40:07 UTC
They could have if they'd waited! :D It was awesome to meet him :D


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