Two videos that will make you smile

Apr 21, 2014 16:47

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Just watch this. He's too cute. Trust me. You will have a grin pasted on your face.

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alexander vlahos, video

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Comments 16

archaeologist_d April 21 2014, 21:03:41 UTC
He is just so darn cute!


jelazakazone April 21 2014, 21:05:04 UTC
It's ridiculous. Why is he so cute? I am so glad I decided to go see him in NYC. I hope I get a chance to actually talk to him after the show.


archaeologist_d April 21 2014, 21:25:06 UTC
We are trying to figure out where the backstage door is so that we can wait for him but apparently the Park Ave Amorey doesn't have one. I may tweet him and ask because he might come out for fans if he knows about them. He's so modest, though, that he might not think about it otherwise.


jelazakazone April 21 2014, 21:26:39 UTC
Dang. I might have to unlock my twitter account... but I will have time to figure it out. Hopefully he will be coming out and I won't have to unlock or someone else (like you) will manage to convince him to come out. He's so cute. He thought there would be 3 people at that Q&A thing he did. LOL.


issy5209 April 21 2014, 21:24:00 UTC
Oh, he is too much and too cute and way too lovey *gushy talk*

(so this is not the one I was thinking of in Ireland with Eoin, but a different one in Holland!)


jelazakazone April 21 2014, 21:25:30 UTC
He is killing me! I can't with him any more. I'm done. Over. Caput.

Right, different one in The Netherlands, I think, actually. How can he be so ridiculously adorable? It's unfair. :(


issy5209 April 21 2014, 21:39:15 UTC
It must be nerve-wracking to walk into a room full of people (and no preparation!)


jelazakazone April 21 2014, 22:16:33 UTC
LOL. Yeah. It sounded like he hadn't been prepared for a lecture and just went with what he had expected anyway.


rocknvaughn April 22 2014, 01:48:12 UTC
Dear God, he's so adorable. I could NOT believe he whipped out his phone and actually tried to call Colin. (Though I was glad for Colin's sake that it went to voicemail LOL)

That story about the writers making him ride the horse backward and how long he had to train to learn it and then it was like a fifteen second scene...

And the Dolma! rofls... We knew from other Q & A sessions and the bloopers that he couldn't keep a straight face, but it was still a hilarious story. I can totally imagine Colin *trying* to crack them up with his uber campy voice and mannerisms.

And it's awfully nice of him and Eoin to still do Cons like this when they both have busy schedules. :) Are there more videos of this Q & A, do you know?


jelazakazone April 22 2014, 02:17:48 UTC
He's ridiculous. I can't get over it. That was hilarious when he tried to call Colin. He was clearly flying by the seat of his pants :D

Oh god. His stories are just so good. I mean, the way he tells it, it's hilarious. The horse, all the stuff with Colin playing the Dolma, I was dying.

It is definitely good of him to do cons. I don't know if there are more videos of this Q&A. You could try looking on my tumblr at the recent posts tagged "videos". I didn't watch everything I reblogged. I didn't have time. Alas. Sorry :(


altocello April 22 2014, 05:40:31 UTC
I am going to need a grin-ectomy, lol! :D


jelazakazone April 22 2014, 13:53:22 UTC
Right? I could not believe how hard I was smiling when I was done watching these.


dunderklumpen April 22 2014, 13:02:44 UTC
He really is adorable. But what amused me even more were the fangirls flailing in the background. *gg*
I feel so related to them:)


jelazakazone April 22 2014, 13:53:53 UTC
If I were there, I'd be just like them too. Gah. Why is he so cute? It's unfair.


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