- What is your username, and where did you come up with it?
- Tell us where you are from and something about it
- When did you start watching Sleepy Hollow?
- What is your favorite and least favorite episode?
- Pronounce the following words: Aunt, Route, Salted Caramel Mocha, Syrup, Pajamas, Potato, Gif, Moloch, Sin Eater, the Golem, Lieutenant Abigail Mills, the Necromancer, the Sandman, George Washington, and the best thing that Ichabod Crane has done to date.
- Share something you love about your primary Sleepy Hollow relationship. This could be Abbie + Jenny's sister bonding, Ichabod/Katrina being your new OTP, or how immensely fucked up the Crane family reunion was in the season 1 finale.
- Share a favorite fanwork (story/art/podfic/fan video/meta/etc.) that you think everyone should enjoy.
- What is your favorite Sleepy Hollow quote?
- If you they could become any Sleepy Hollow character for a day, who would you choose and why?
- Do you have a hobby outside of fandom that you would like to share?
- Anything else you'd like to add?
Links to works mentioned are:
Analise010's podfic of Ichabod discovering the library.
Fleete's collaboration with me. This one is NSFW/NC17.