
Mar 31, 2014 20:55

I had a very busy weekend. Spent most of the day yesterday at a feis (Irish Step Dance competition) for DD1 where she placed 3rd in one of three dances. (Proud mama moment :D).

Today has looked like this:

long day was long )

accounting, a day

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Comments 6

aome April 1 2014, 01:19:29 UTC
Congrats to DD1! I didn't remember she did Irish step dance. Do you have a pic of her in her competition costume?


jelazakazone April 1 2014, 01:20:55 UTC

Nah, I didn't take any pictures. She just wears a school uniform. It's not fancy at all. White blouse with a navy skort. I could have video'd this competition, but I would have had to do it with my phone and I just didn't feel like it would have been worth it. :D


arthurmerlinfan April 1 2014, 14:21:34 UTC
jelazakazone April 1 2014, 18:43:02 UTC
Thanks! Yesterday was a little nutty. Here's hoping the rest of the week is calmer.


alba17 April 1 2014, 19:42:03 UTC
Oh, are you watching Musketeers? I didn't really like the 2nd episode so that's as far as I got, despite the pretty men and costumes. Yay for 3rd place!


jelazakazone April 1 2014, 19:44:05 UTC
Yep. I am! Pretty men in leather are pretty :D

<3 It was great that she placed in one of her dances. I was quite proud.


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