A little flat today

Mar 15, 2014 19:55

I am feeling really blah today. I managed to get two loads of laundry washed and folded. One is still in the dryer. I fixed some salad for dinner.  I cleaned the bathroom. We did our family  meeting. And that's been about it. I have to go make mini muffins now

I keep thinking about
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tumblr, blah de blah, ta da list

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Comments 19

millionstar March 16 2014, 01:01:16 UTC
I know nothing of Tumblr, but I am happy to interact with you here on LJ when we cross paths. <3 Especially now that I am feeling able to sit up at the comp more.


jelazakazone March 16 2014, 01:10:15 UTC
\o/ :D :D Of course, I'm not leaving LJ any time soon. I am just finding it very interesting to be hanging out on Tumblr and noting the differences. Very hard to interact over there. Even people who use it as their primary/only platform admit that!

Yay! I'm so glad you are feeling better. <3


rocknvaughn March 16 2014, 02:14:03 UTC
I am a neophyte on Tumblr, so I really don't know too much about interacting over there. I follow a few blogs I really like and just reblog what I want to keep track of. <3

Oh, and about the phone data... Some phones have a setting that automatically switches to wifi when it's available. But some don't do it automatically. You should check your settings to make sure.

Mine doesn't switch automatically, so if I want to use my wifi, I have to turn off my 3G/4G service.


jelazakazone March 16 2014, 02:33:59 UTC
<3 I feel like I'm just starting to figure a few things out on Tumblr. It's certainly nowhere near LJ for me, in terms of how well I know to use it though.

LOL. My phone is overenthusiastic about wifi, if it knows the network. I do look for wifi when possible. Thank you.


rocknvaughn March 16 2014, 14:30:23 UTC
However, it may not automatically shut down your data, even if it connects to wifi automatically. Just make sure that your icon for 3g/4g goes away after you connect so you aren't using both.

Hugs. :)


jelazakazone March 17 2014, 01:52:36 UTC
Oh god. I had no idea that the 3g/4g could still be active even if the wifi is on. UGH. I don't know how to tell!


altocello March 16 2014, 02:14:38 UTC
RL has eaten me again, at least for the last couple of days. I have a post I should make, to keep my friends here up to date with what's going on with me, but I have to actually sit down and do it. I find personal posts difficult, as I feel the need to edit myself pretty severely. And fandom wise I've been really quiet because I'm in production mode. I've got a merlin_art_fest piece that will (hopefully) post early in the cycle that's been done for ages now, and I'm still beating on this untold_legends prompt, and then I need to do remix (AI-YAH), and then I need to get on my first of two AfterCamlann stories. Eek ( ... )


jelazakazone March 16 2014, 02:36:49 UTC
<3 <3 Hope you are doing well. RL always eats me, seems like. I find posting on LJ/DW a good tether. I am sorry you feel you have to edit yourself for personal posts. I like that personal posts are so "free" for me on LJ/DW in that way.

Yay for production mode. Can't wait to see your next arrival. You are busy and that's awesome!!

<3 <3 Fandom love is awesome.

:D :D Remember my chicks from last year? We are looking forward to it, again. Might do ducks later, too.

Thanks for the info on the smart phone!

Hope you have a good evening! I'm heading to bed. #zzz :D :D


altocello March 19 2014, 18:22:44 UTC
*hugs* RL has this way of eating all of us, I think, lol. I love the way you use LJ/DW as a tether to help organize your day, I really respect the discipline that takes to make the list and then tick it off as you go.

I think, upon reflection, that the self-editing is due to the conflict I have between needing to unload my stress/worry/anxiety (or joy!) and the feeling that I might be imposing. LOL. It's actually a lot like when I crashed my bike in high school, and was mortified that I was bleeding all over my friend's car upholstery when he helped me. He really didn't care, he just wanted to help. But I felt bad that he had to. I do feel a lot more free to talk about stuff here, something about the quasi-anonymity of it, though I'm really not anonymous. Here I'm very me, even though I go by a login that's not my birth name, without a lot of the social expectations that go with being me in RL.

Fandom love is totally made of win. <3 And I'm still happy with the piece that will hopefully post soon, and almost done with ( ... )


dk323 March 16 2014, 02:54:44 UTC
Yeah I agree with you regarding Tumblr and not having meaningful interaction there. :( But still it's nice to go there and see what cool things are being created. And seeing people interested in dead fandoms is pretty awesome.


jelazakazone March 16 2014, 03:42:27 UTC
Yeah, it's great to find people to squee with so easily!

How are things going for you? You settling in?


dk323 March 16 2014, 06:10:23 UTC
Yeah, definitely. I'm surprised that I have 55 followers. Never dreamed I'd even get 50. Although what's really nice is when someone you follow follows you back and then reblogs some of your things (even if they're reblogs and I didn't make them...it shows at least that we're on the same wavelength about we like :p).

Oh for the most part, the full-time position is going well. There's a new coding system coming in October, so we have ongoing training for that. So pretty much everything will be turned upside down as we begin officially using the new system that month. But at least I'm not paying for the training, and I know it'll be better in the long run. It'll just take some getting used to.


jelazakazone March 17 2014, 01:53:12 UTC
:D Yay! Glad to hear that things are going well!

I totally feel that way about the reblogging, even if conversations don't really happen there.


marta_bee March 16 2014, 06:35:46 UTC
I've gotten a bit into Tumblr since I've gotten so into Sherlock, as that seems to be where most of the people interested in that show hang out. On the one hand, it's a wonderful way to find artist and fic writers, and also to get my own stuff read a bit. Meta, mostly - I've gotten much more interaction with my thoughts there than I have on LJ, partly I think because the people I know on Tumblr are much more Sherlock-focused than the people I know on LJ. But I wouldn't call them friends. In fact, on the few occasions I've been looking for a little support (fannish support; I'm talking about people to beta-read a story, at that level), the sound of crickets has been a bit deafening. :-)


jelazakazone March 17 2014, 01:58:52 UTC
:( I'm sorry to hear that requests for betas have fallen flat. If you ever want a beta for a Sherlock story and it's 3K or less, ask me! I can help with that:D

Yay for the rest of your tumblr experience. I think there is a lot of interesting and good stuff happening on tumblr.


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