Home sweet home

Feb 01, 2014 18:53

I am home now. Time to clean up stuff and collapse. SO HAPPY TO BE HOME.

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/779966.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

travel, home

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Comments 14

rocknvaughn February 2 2014, 01:39:27 UTC
Hugs. Hope you had a good time, bb!


jelazakazone February 2 2014, 01:44:32 UTC
The trip was good. It's hard to say that I had a great time, but I did what I could and took care of myself as I needed to and that was hard. I definitely had a good time with the people I saw, so yeah, it was good. Thanks! So happy to be home. I like being in control of things:D <3


rocknvaughn February 2 2014, 01:46:37 UTC
Yeah, I know what you mean!


jelazakazone February 2 2014, 01:47:35 UTC
*glomps you*


gealach_ros February 2 2014, 12:14:52 UTC
Welcome baaaaack! *snuggles*


jelazakazone February 2 2014, 12:18:51 UTC
*snuggles in* God, it's good to be home. Slept great!


47eleven February 2 2014, 14:39:27 UTC
So happy that you're home safe and sound hon.


jelazakazone February 2 2014, 22:28:15 UTC
Thank you! The feel of homesoil beneath my feet is so comforting. <3


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