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Comments 9

lillibet October 25 2013, 18:27:56 UTC
Beautiful, both of them!


jelazakazone October 25 2013, 19:51:42 UTC
Thanks so much! Pulsar quilt is still in progress. Need to pick out the fibers and I have a scene I want to do on the bottom. Bread is ready to be eaten. Om nom nom :D


dk323 October 25 2013, 21:11:22 UTC
Nice work on that quilt. :) It sort of looks like mountain ranges to me. Very pretty.

Those loaves of bread look delicious! :)


jelazakazone October 25 2013, 21:15:06 UTC
:) Here is an article on pulsar waves. This was the first one detected!

Mmmm, om nom nom. Bread.



castmeaway October 26 2013, 03:03:19 UTC
ooh your Challahs are gorgeous! (Challah is one of my favorite thing to make and eat...sadly, it's also one of my guiltiest pleasures....)

DId you know if you do an egg wash immediately after you braid it (before it rises), and then again after it rises, and right before you put it in the oven, you'll get a really deep glossy finish? (My egg washes are yolk only, with a tbs milk if I'm not worried about a dairy bread, or water if I am)

When someone told me the two egg wash tip a couple of years ago, it was a revelation!


jelazakazone October 26 2013, 13:48:52 UTC
:D Thank you! Yes, I know about egg wash, but I don't like shiny challah. I think it's a textural thing and possibly because my mother (who was not raised Jewish) never did egg wash on hers.


castmeaway October 26 2013, 18:01:10 UTC
I totally get that! It definitely looks more rustic! I can understand textural preferences!

How are you btw?


47eleven October 26 2013, 09:57:51 UTC
Beautiful both <3


jelazakazone October 26 2013, 13:49:05 UTC
Thank you bb!


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