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Comments 15

47eleven April 23 2013, 02:00:39 UTC
*licks gif*

Sweet dreams hon


jelazakazone April 23 2013, 02:01:30 UTC
So hard not to lick this gif and I've only just now realized how fitting it is because he's got the dragon in his sweet little hand! Aw.

Thanks, bb. :::hugs:::


rocknvaughn April 23 2013, 04:26:38 UTC
It's actually Gaius' lucky rabbit's foot from 1x13...


jelazakazone April 23 2013, 12:35:59 UTC
Oops, yeah. Someone else pointed that out. *sigh* It is still hypnotic. EEE.


millionstar April 23 2013, 02:03:52 UTC
It's positively hypnotic.

Thank you for the rec, dear. Too kind of you. <3


jelazakazone April 23 2013, 02:07:38 UTC
Unf. Isn't it though. The way his hand curls around the dragon? And his pinky doesn't go straight? I've recently developed an unnatural fascination with his left pinky.

Aw, you wrote the inaugural fic for my fest idea and I couldn't be more thrilled! It's lovely. Thank you. <3


beeej April 23 2013, 02:06:23 UTC


jelazakazone April 23 2013, 02:07:53 UTC


issy5209 April 23 2013, 02:07:27 UTC
OMG thankyou for the Rec (my very first!!)

I think its the rabbits foot he's holding.

There is also a spoilery pic of Colins costume on tumblr!


jelazakazone April 23 2013, 02:08:54 UTC
Well, I couldn't resist that fic. It was well done and one of my favorite subjects:D

Oops. Looks like you are right. I think my eyes are shot. I was sewing earlier, but I'm also really tired.

I saw:(


issy5209 April 23 2013, 02:12:00 UTC
weird, but under lights and on stage - might look all right (and its just one scene - surely?)



claddagh_girl April 23 2013, 08:15:57 UTC
Oh, his hands. How can hands, of all things, have this effect on a person? *enthralled*


jelazakazone April 23 2013, 12:35:23 UTC
I don't even know. One of the mysteries of the universe, I suppose :D


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