DST can still suck it

Mar 12, 2013 09:38

Ugh. I have no motivation today. It's raining and you know. It's raining. Yeah.

Here, have some cute tweets from
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twitter, mordred, cute, alexander vlahos, picspam

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Comments 11

47eleven March 12 2013, 13:47:25 UTC
And now I have to drool.......


jelazakazone March 12 2013, 13:48:26 UTC
You are so fast to reply to my posts!

Hee:) I suppose you are about to go to bed. Sweet dreams! I'm off for teeth cleaning:D


archaeologist_d March 12 2013, 14:12:43 UTC
He is just adorable. Really, those two, I just want to shmush them both.


jelazakazone March 12 2013, 14:46:07 UTC
Smushing is exactly what I want to do to Alex and his girlfriend too. Such a nice bit of squee on a blecky day:P


issy5209 March 12 2013, 20:27:59 UTC
So adorable, smushing sounds good!

I think it takes a week to get over DST


jelazakazone March 12 2013, 20:40:32 UTC
Hee! He'll be at the bottom of a very pile!

At least. I know in the past it's been like a month, but I feel like I'm doing better this time than I have in the past.


issy5209 March 12 2013, 20:48:26 UTC
It will be nice to wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and not out of it!
*crosses fingers* cool change today - PLEASE!!!


jelazakazone March 12 2013, 21:18:48 UTC

Here's hoping cool weather is on your way.


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