Oh, stuff

Jan 04, 2013 08:45

Yay! I'm so glad I have so many people who want little quilts for their walls:) For now, I am not going to take any more requests. We'll see what happens after I finish these. (Stressful morning stuff redacted because I just can't talk about it any more.)

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interview, quilting, katie mcgrath, colin morgan, snowflake challenge, deep thoughts, angel coulby, stress. merlin, bradley james, parenting, dd1 stories

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Comments 15

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jelazakazone January 4 2013, 14:27:16 UTC

Thanks for the comment:D

I actually don't care if they do more of the morning tasks, but I would like them to get dressed, eat breakfast, and pack their backpacks in a timely fashion. They have more than enough time to do this if they do not read and wait until after breakfast to get dressed.

Bedtime has been a disaster for months (again). I don't know what happened to the schedule, but dh believes it doesn't exist and I've felt undermined by that.

I don't have time to fight with them not to read in the morning. We clearly need to address this in the family meeting.



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jelazakazone January 4 2013, 14:35:03 UTC
I WOULD HAVE TO BURN MY HOUSE DOWN. LOL. Good idea though, right?


lillibet January 4 2013, 14:59:49 UTC
Sorry the parenting is stressful. I have no advice, because the situations are so different, just hugs and reassurance that you are not a bad parent.


jelazakazone January 4 2013, 15:01:48 UTC
::hugs:: Thank you.


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jelazakazone January 4 2013, 19:54:53 UTC
:D Thanks. Glad you enjoyed it.

I think I've heard stuff he's said before, but I haven't ever read anything by him. I read one book last year and it was fiction. *hangs head in shame*


issy5209 January 4 2013, 20:44:19 UTC
I know how you feel in both regards
1. Please fix my show
2. Getting ready on time (holdays atm so I don't care, but really how hard is it to have breakfast, brush teeth, hair, get dressed and pack lunches/books for school? This year I have all 3 to hustle out of the house everyday!
(this year dd1 has to be a highschool at 8.30!!! can she do it? (mum does evil laugh!)


jelazakazone January 4 2013, 20:55:07 UTC
Gawd. Fix it fic just isn't working for me. I can't even bear to read it. I keep thinking about writing reincarnation fic though.

2. That's exactly my question. And why is it so hard for them to see that there is a good order to do things and a suboptimal order? *tears hair out* I am going to gently explain that some things are negotiable and other things are not. My mental health is not negotiable.


issy5209 January 4 2013, 21:16:16 UTC
a lot of the fix-its are just horribly angsty and sad, although this http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8858575/1/None-Goes-His-Way-Alone is kinda sweet.
I think I need some real books (not fanfic) to get over this

and secondly, yes there is a good order in doing things, and not running around wih me yelling at 8.50am is not the good way (and mental health is not negotiable!) - even with no books, ipods, tv etc they still manage to not get things done properly


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jelazakazone January 5 2013, 19:47:36 UTC
I know it! Poor guys.

Um, not that I can think of. I'm pretty good at asking for stuff, and receiving amazing things when I do!


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