Aslksdkljfsh. You all know I love dragons, but really, you have to check out
mushroomtale 's
response to the camelot drabble prompt of family. Now. And tell her how awesome she is while you are there. (G rated, appropriate for the whole family.)
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Comments 12
But, seriously, THANK YOU. I am so glad that my drawbles make you happy! ;___; <333
I really only rec stuff that I love. I don't rec everything I see. I haven't recc'ed all your art. See, I'm completely reasonable (and not at all madly in love with you).
Anyone who likes and draws dragons as well as Merlin will have a sweet spot in my heart. It's pretty much guaranteed.
For the record, as far as I can tell, my recs hardly ever actually cause someone to go look at what I'm talking about, but it's also a handy way for me to sort of bookmark stuff I really like.
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