Be afraid people.

May 05, 2012 14:27

skuares , darling, I've started working on your birthday fic and it is going to be epic and cracktastic, just as soon as I figure out what threat Merlin has to fend off.  To that end, I'm taking suggestions from all of you.  I would love something inspired by one of the eps, especially S1.  I think.  I'm thinking not Morgana.  Other than that -- go!  I'm ( Read more... )

writing, help!, fic, merlin, prompt

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Comments 7

neyah444 May 5 2012, 19:27:46 UTC
Will the story be set during series 1? I have some ideas.


jelazakazone May 6 2012, 01:29:29 UTC
This is the pocket book dragon 'verse, so anything goes! What've you got?

ETA: I'm not going to give anything away, really, but I'm pretty sure I'm set at the moment. I've managed to include zombie pheasants. It's going to be epic and cracky:)D



neyah444 May 6 2012, 09:33:05 UTC
I sent you an email.


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jelazakazone May 6 2012, 01:29:06 UTC
Oooh, maybe. I'll think about that. I might be able to work that in. It would be hilarious and epic and cracktastic after all.

So, it turns out they are not Giant Pheasants, but Zombie Pheasants:D I hope you like what KF and I have cooked up because it's going to be epic and cracky assuming I can pull it off.


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jelazakazone May 6 2012, 20:25:27 UTC
:) I was hoping you'd be pleased by zombie pheasants. *cackles with glee* Just wait until you see what I've got in store for you:D ♥


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jelazakazone May 6 2012, 01:28:29 UTC
*tag* You're it:) You know it bb. I was going to ask you earlier, but I ran out of time before we had to leave. Thanks!


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