Title: Kilgharrah Teaches Aithusa How to Fish
Author: jelazakazone
Characters: Kilgharrah, Aithusa
Word count:about 450
Rating: G
magog_83 inspired me to write her a little pick me up fic. I hope this helps:D. Thanks to
lewisian_gneiss for beta help!
When Aithusa cracked through his thick blue hued shell, Kilgharrah knew it was up to him to teach the new dragon how to survive outside the egg. )
Comments 21
It's funny because I'm really into Merlin, but I really don't know that much about tv outside of Merlin.
This one was it as well. The way you showed the relationship between Kilgharra and Aithusa was moving although it's nothing more than a simple teacher/pupil thing. But if you have been the last of your kind for centuries even simple fishing gets another layer of meaning alltogether.
Hurray for Kilgharrah not being so cryptic with his advice for once. And I can almost hear Aithusa's voice, I love it.
(And yay! I started commenting on my bookmarked fics!)
I always think of the dragons as having a very good sense of humor. Kilgharrah is often pretty ridiculous in Merlin.
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