Quick flyby

Aug 24, 2011 09:31

We seem to be recovered from the earthquake and life is back to normal for us now.  I got my MRI results and they are clear.  Big SHEW on that news; however, I'm still feeling crappy (it's quite bad this morning:() and I'd really like to know why and when it's going to end ( Read more... )

life, health

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Comments 2

mickey2x5 August 24 2011, 13:36:46 UTC
So glad the MRI results were clear! I bet that was a relief.

Sorry you're still feeling crappy though. Did you feel any better or different when you were away? Just thinking out loud as to whether local allergens could be at play?


jelazakazone August 24 2011, 17:37:49 UTC
Thanks, yes. It is a huge relief. I just wish I knew why.

Nope. Did not feel better when I was away. I already see an allergist and he didn't think my allergies would be causing the symptoms. I think it's time to see an eye doctor.


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