Rewatch of Merlin 1.01, reboot

Jul 21, 2011 10:08

Here we go again:

Ok, drumroll please.  Here is my rewatch of 1.01 of Merlin.  This is going to be a big post of squee mainly because I think get so much right in this episode.  I am going to go ahead and post this as one big post, but behind a cut.  I have posted a poll at http:// ( Read more... )

rewatch, merlin

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Comments 15

princealia July 21 2011, 14:47:44 UTC
I love the water test. He's so use to doing magic out of reflex and has to train himself not to react anymore.

I also love "There must be another Arthur because this one's an idiot" XD

Although, I don't know how serious I'd be able to take Morgana and Arthur's flirting knowing what we know now :P


jelazakazone July 21 2011, 14:51:27 UTC
Oh yeah. That little scene is all kinds of awesome. Gaius is so amazed by Merlin and Merlin is all kinds of puzzled about why Gaius doesn't understand. They are so cute together:D

LOL! Totally love that line. Also, "if someone wants to kill Arthur, I'd be happy to help" or something along those lines.

Yeah, you notice that the Morgana/Arthur thing is pretty much only in the first two episodes. I never took it seriously, actually. And the flirting between Gwen and Merlin, while adorable, always makes me a little tense because I know Merlin isn't on her dance card, so to speak.


karen9 July 22 2011, 09:52:25 UTC
I think you've done a great job on this.

I was also drawn in immediately at the beginning. The introduction can still give me goosebumps.

I like the way the producers/writers then introduce each main character in a natural way.

Almost immediately Gaius and Merlin connect. I love Gaius scolding Merlin for the state of his room, which shows that Merlin is in some ways a normal adolescent.

I find the witch's humming/singing suitably creepy. I lose sympathy for her though when she kills Lady Helen and the serving woman.

(Note about S3: what happened to confident Merlin? I'm in the middle of 3.02 and I can't believe how they belittle Merlin. It does not make me happy.)

I agree, plus Arthur bullying Merlin physically. I hope the writers/producers go back to the S1 & S2 dynamics.

I like it when Merlin is in the stocks and he says to Gwen "My fans await me."

Merlin is rooting around in the straw with his behind in the air! So funny ( ... )


jelazakazone July 22 2011, 22:40:22 UTC
Thanks ( ... )


karen9 July 23 2011, 07:38:47 UTC
Bradley is very good with the physical stuff.

Yes, he is. He has a strong physical presence.

Did you know they had a trained opera singer singing that?

Yes, that was mentioned in the commentary, as was that the words are made up, they're not of any language.

"It's destiny. Well, destiny and chicken"
That's one of my favourite lines.


jelazakazone July 23 2011, 11:35:17 UTC
Seems like Sweet Dreams is a favorite ep for a lot of people:D


archaeologist_d July 24 2011, 12:18:54 UTC
I loved the show from the moment Merlin looks over into Camelot. Colin's face just made it for me.

I also felt they did an excellent job introducing the characters and setting the stage for what comes next.

Favorite scenes - "how long have you been training to be a prat, my lord?", the one with Merlin arguing with the dragon about Arthur and the final singing scene - very creepy and beautiful.


jelazakazone July 24 2011, 12:23:46 UTC
Yeah. It's hard to say now exactly where I was caught, but that moment is great (I assume you are talking about the nighttime scene and not when he first glimpses the castle).

Yes, very excellent job introducing the characters. I was really noticing how they didn't just have everyone walk on stage, so to speak. We get some characters with voice first, some just visually. Some pretty much talk and appear at the same moment. It's a nice mix.

Love that line too about "how long have you been training to be a prat .. my lord". Makes me laugh every time. Seems like Colin might be having a hard time not laughing there too! And Colin always does a great job talking to the Dragon. I am not sure I've conveyed my love for the Dragon properly. I love the dragon.

I love that music. I don't know how they manage to make it to make it both creepy and beautiful. Lovely.

Thanks for reading and commenting! I certainly didn't expect that you would read this after having been gone so long and having plenty to catch up on.


archaeologist_d July 24 2011, 12:44:37 UTC
Actually, no. I meant when he first comes over the hill and glimpses the castle. There was just something about it that tugged at my heart and said 'yes, I've been waiting for this.'

I'm still catching up!


jelazakazone July 24 2011, 12:49:37 UTC
Ah. Ok. I love that part too. I think the director got it just right that we see the wonder on Merlin's face before we even see the castle. (As I recall, they don't talk about this in the commentary but they talk about the nighttime scene.) I still love that scene.

Wow! Kudos to you for trying. When I'm gone for a week, I don't even try to catch up on all the stuff I've missed.


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