You'll get no love for Woody from me. He was a straight-up Lost Causer who undid a lot of the good that Teddy Roosevelt had done. What I don't understand is why he's got such a good reputation.
You can't seriously discuss "Obamacare" without including the vicious gaming of the system by the insurance industry. Their profits have gone nowhere but up, but they are eternally affronted at having to spend some of their income on their customers. ((redundancy for clarity: this is both-and, not either-or))
I can seriously discuss (and will eventually discuss) health insurance from many different angles. Your homework is to go out and find the average profit margin for health insurance companies. Not dollars; that's not how profits are calculated. Percents. Or nothing. Provide a citation.
You haven't turned in your homework yet. The assignment was to find the average percentage profit margin for health insurance companies, with a citation. I'll post it tomorrow if you don't post it first, and then maybe we can talk about it.
Comments 4
((redundancy for clarity: this is both-and, not either-or))
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