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Comments 3

nanaloveho7 March 16 2011, 14:16:41 UTC
I wanna read more and more letter... It stop? Please continue translate....


no letters anymore/ azkia18 April 24 2011, 08:37:48 UTC
Why there is no letter in 2011?
And do you receive letters from international cassies with english?
It's one of so few website that can help me stronger without reading comments about cassiopeia fighting with each other
Please don't stop =(


convolution May 26 2011, 06:09:44 UTC
Everything she said, sums up how I feel about the whole situation.
Although it's so hard that at times I feel like I can't go on anymore and want to just stop, I can't.
Because at the end of the day, they have become a huge part of me that I can no longer live without.
So I will wait, even without assurance. I will wait with them and for them. ;_;


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